Information Provided to and Sustainability Matters Addressed by the Company’s Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies
General Disclosures
Our Group-wide Corporate Sustainability function is responsible for setting the strategic direction of our sustainability activities and regularly reports to the Executive Board on progress and the need for action. This Corporate Sustainability function reports monthly directly to the Chairman of the Executive Board of Beiersdorf AG, who is responsible for sustainability. The Chief Financial Officer receives quarterly reports on matters relating to compliance and reporting (e.g., the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, LkSG), the “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive” (CSDDD), the CSRD, and the “European Deforestation Regulation” (EUDR)). Meetings are also held with members of the Executive Board, Executive Committee, Supervisory Board and the entire Executive Board, as needed. The Audit Committee receives reports of sustainability matters two to three times per year.
Two cross-functional steering committees oversee the management of material sustainability matters: the Sustainability Council for the Consumer Business Segment and the Global Executive Committee for tesa. The directors of all relevant business units headed by the members of the Executive Board are represented on the Sustainability Council. This committee convenes at least once every quarter. The Global Executive Committee at tesa is composed of the members of the Executive Board and other executives. The committee meets every two weeks; it also discusses sustainability-related topics in the course of its meetings. In addition, the Chief Sustainability Officer reports directly to the Chairman of the Executive Board of tesa.
The following sustainability matters were discussed at Executive Board and Supervisory Board meetings during the reporting year:
- Sustainability reporting
- Human rights risks
- Biodiversity
- Climate change adaptation
- Social protection
- Diversity
- Circular economy
The regular reports on sustainability matters to the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are intended to ensure that they consider material impacts, risks, and opportunities in their oversight of the strategy, decisions on major transactions, and in risk management, and that trade-offs are dealt with if necessary.