Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

General Basis for Preparation of the Non-financial Statement

  • General Disclosures

With this statement, Beiersdorf provides information on material sustainability aspects within the Management Report. The Non-financial Statement (NFS) was prepared in accordance with §§ 289b ff. Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code, HGB) as well as 315b to 315c HGB and thus represents the consolidated NFS of the Beiersdorf Group and Beiersdorf AG as the parent company. Unless otherwise stated, the qualitative information regarding the Consumer business segment also applies to Beiersdorf AG. The results of the concepts for Beiersdorf AG are comparable to the presentation for the Consumer business segment.

Beiersdorf reports partially in accordance with the first set of the “European Sustainability Reporting Standards” (ESRS) as a framework for non-financial reporting in accordance with § 315c HGB in conjunction with § 289d HGB. This means that not all components of our NFS were prepared in compliance with the ESRS. An overview of all disclosure requirements included in the NFS is provided in “Appendix A.” This shows which disclosure requirements have been fully or partially implemented.

Since the 2021 financial year, Beiersdorf has been reporting within the NFS in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation on revenue, capital expenditures, and operating expenses associated with environmentally sustainable activities.

For our NFS with regard to Beiersdorf AG pursuant to § 289b HGB, we did not use a framework because a (at least partially ESRS-compliant) NFS for the group is relevant to our stakeholders.

The scope of consolidation of the NFS is the same as that for the Annual Report (see “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statement”) with the exceptions of our joint venture NIVEA-Kao, our majority shareholding S-Biomedic and the Chantecaille, La Prairie and Coppertone brands. Deviations exist in chapters ESRS E1, ESRS E3, ESRS S1 and ESRS G1. The brands mentioned are partially included in the figures there. These discrepancies are explained at the appropriate points in the report.

In the process of the materiality assessment, impacts, risks and opportunities in own operations and along the upstream and downstream value chain have been considered. A detailed overview of the positive and negative impacts, financial risks and opportunities identified as material and their location in the value chain is provided in the section “Material impacts, risks, and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model” and in the respective topical chapters. There are no material risks arising from our own business activities, or from our business relationships, products, and services, that are very likely to have severe negative impacts on the non-financial aspects pursuant to § 289c HGB.

Policies, actions, targets and metrics relating to the material topics are presented in the following chapters. Whether these concern own operations or the upstream and/or downstream value chain depends on the materiality assessment of the respective sustainability aspect and its location in the value chain.

The safeguard clause is not applicable; no information on intellectual property, know-how or results of innovation has been omitted.

  • Topic filter

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    Filter pages according to ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)

    • General Disclosures
    • Climate Change
    • Pollution
    • Water and marine Resources
    • Biodiversity and Ecosystems
    • Resource Use and Circular Economy
    • Own Workforce
    • Workers in the Value Chain
    • Affected Communities
    • Consumers and End-users
    • Business Conduct
