36. Shareholdings in Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft
The following shareholdings were reported to Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft in accordance with the provisions of the Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (German Securities Trading Act, WpHG) up to the date of preparation of the financial statements.
With voting rights notifications pursuant to §§ 33 et seq. WpHG dated June 16, 2023, Max und Ingeburg Herz Stiftung (Hamburg, Germany), IH Zweite GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) as well as Wolfgang Herz, Michael Herz, Alexander Herz, Benjamin Herz, Maximilian Herz, Paul Herz, and Svenja Haux each disclosed that they had exceeded the 50% threshold as of June 15, 2023. The notifying parties indicated for themselves – and in the case of Michael Herz, Wolfgang Herz, and Max und Ingeburg Herz Stiftung also for a number of subsidiaries – that they each held a total share of voting rights of 51.19% (128,991,406 voting rights).
During financial year 2024, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA, submitted several voting rights notifications in accordance with § 33 et seq. WpHG through which BlackRock, Inc. – on its own behalf and on behalf of a number of subsidiaries – disclosed on several occasions that the companies listed in the notifications had exceeded or fallen below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights in Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft. According to the latest notification dated October 2, 2024, on October 1, 2024, a 3.44% share of voting rights stemming from shares in Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft was attributable to BlackRock, Inc. and a number of its subsidiaries in accordance with § 34 WpHG. In addition, at that point in time, BlackRock, Inc. and a number of its subsidiaries were direct or indirect holders of financial instruments pursuant to § 38 WpHG relating to 0.01% of voting rights stemming from shares in Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft.
In accordance with § 25 (1) sentence 3 in conjunction with § 21 (1) sentence 1 WpHG (former version), Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft also announced that it had exceeded the threshold of 5% of the voting rights in its own company on February 3, 2004, and that a share of 9.99% has been attributable to it since then. The own shares held by the company do not bear voting or dividend rights in accordance with § 71b AktG.
All releases on voting rights notifications in accordance with § 40 (1) WpHG that Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft has made since January 3, 2018, are available under www.beiersdorf.com/investors/financial-reports/voting-rights-notifications.