Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

ESRS 2 — General Disclosures

  • General Disclosures

General Basis for Preparation of the Non-financial Statement

With this statement, Beiersdorf provides information on material sustainability aspects within the Management Report. The Non-financial Statement (NFS) was prepared in accordance with §§ 289b ff. Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code, HGB) as well as 315b to 315c HGB and thus represents the consolidated NFS of the Beiersdorf Group and Beiersdorf AG as the parent company. Unless otherwise stated, the qualitative information regarding the Consumer business segment also applies to Beiersdorf AG. The results of the concepts for Beiersdorf AG are comparable to the presentation for the Consumer business segment.

Beiersdorf reports partially in accordance with the first set of the “European Sustainability Reporting Standards” (ESRS) as a framework for non-financial reporting in accordance with § 315c HGB in conjunction with § 289d HGB. This means that not all components of our NFS were prepared in compliance with the ESRS. An overview of all disclosure requirements included in the NFS is provided in “Appendix A.” This shows which disclosure requirements have been fully or partially implemented.

Since the 2021 financial year, Beiersdorf has been reporting within the NFS in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation on revenue, capital expenditures, and operating expenses associated with environmentally sustainable activities.

For our NFS with regard to Beiersdorf AG pursuant to § 289b HGB, we did not use a framework because a (at least partially ESRS-compliant) NFS for the group is relevant to our stakeholders.

The scope of consolidation of the NFS is the same as that for the Annual Report (see “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statement”) with the exceptions of our joint venture NIVEA-Kao, our majority shareholding S-Biomedic and the Chantecaille, La Prairie and Coppertone brands. Deviations exist in chapters ESRS E1, ESRS E3, ESRS S1 and ESRS G1. The brands mentioned are partially included in the figures there. These discrepancies are explained at the appropriate points in the report.

In the process of the materiality assessment, impacts, risks and opportunities in own operations and along the upstream and downstream value chain have been considered. A detailed overview of the positive and negative impacts, financial risks and opportunities identified as material and their location in the value chain is provided in the section “Material impacts, risks, and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model” and in the respective topical chapters. There are no material risks arising from our own business activities, or from our business relationships, products, and services, that are very likely to have severe negative impacts on the non-financial aspects pursuant to § 289c HGB.

Policies, actions, targets and metrics relating to the material topics are presented in the following chapters. Whether these concern own operations or the upstream and/or downstream value chain depends on the materiality assessment of the respective sustainability aspect and its location in the value chain.

The safeguard clause is not applicable; no information on intellectual property, know-how or results of innovation has been omitted.

Disclosures in Relation to Specific Circumstances

Changes in the preparation or presentation of sustainability information

Compared with previous periods, there were significant changes in the preparation and presentation of sustainability information in the management report during the 2024 reporting year. These concerned both the structure and the content of the NFS, which are now prepared partially in accordance with the ESRS. This means that Beiersdorf is already starting to implement the requirements of the framework in its business and reporting processes before the “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive” (CSRD) regulations are implemented into German law. Some of the metrics and information previously reported under environmental, social, and governance aspects have been supplemented or replaced by new disclosures required under ESRS. Any methodological changes resulting in adjustments to or recalculations of metrics (e.g. new scientific findings such as the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC) reports) were performed in the current reporting period. This is explained at the appropriate point in the report.

Value chain estimation

We use estimates when calculating metrics in cases that extend beyond Group boundaries, such as Scope 3 emissions, as these involve complex and often indirect processes of data collection from our value chain. In-depth information on the methods used for these estimates is provided at the relevant points in the report.

The Role of the Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies

As required by law in Germany for stock corporations (Aktiengesellschaften), Beiersdorf AG has a dual management and supervisory structure consisting of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.

Executive Board

Our Executive Board takes sole responsibility for managing the company and conducting the company’s business. It performs its duties in the company’s best interests and is dedicated to sustainably increasing the enterprise value. The members of the Executive Board are appointed by the Supervisory Board. An Executive Committee was established to support the operational control of the Beiersdorf Group’s Consumer Business Segment. This comprises the members of the Executive Board and two individuals with global management functions.

The Beiersdorf Group Executive Board has seven members, in 2024 43% of them were female (Astrid Hermann, Nicola D. Lafrentz, and Grita Loebsack).

Collectively, all members of the Executive Board must possess extensive relevant international experience aquired from years of working abroad or special expertise in our key international markets. Sector-specific knowledge is also required.

Primary responsibility for sustainability matters within the Executive Board lies with the Chairman of the Executive Board, Vincent Warnery, and Labor Director Nicola D. Lafrentz. Within the Executive Committee, Dr. Gitta Neufang (Chief Research & Development Officer) and Michael Frey (Chief Supply Chain Officer) also have environmental, social, and governance (ESG) expertise. Dr. Gitta Neufang is also a sponsor of the Sustainability Council, the cross-functional management body for material sustainability matters in the Consumer Business Segment (see “ESG governance” section).

Supervisory Board

Our Supervisory Board comprises 12 members. In 2024

  • 58% were female,
  • 50% of shareholder representatives and 100% of employee representatives were independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code in the opinion of the Supervisory Board, and
  • six members were employee representatives.

The Supervisory Board ensures that its members collectively have the knowledge, skills, and professional experience needed to perform their duties properly. In terms of their expertise, the members must collectively, in accordance with § 100 (5) Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporation Act, AktG), be familiar with the sector in which the company operates; in addition, there must be at least one member with expertise and experience in each of the following specific areas:

  • Business areas and sectors (consumer goods, beauty and skin/body care, international markets, including emerging markets)
  • Marketing and Sales (brand development and management, distribution and retail, communication and media)
  • Research and Development (R&D), including innovation management
  • Supply Chain (supply chains and production)
  • Human Resources and Organization (personnel development and management, corporate organization, corporate culture, diversity)
  • ESG (sustainability, corporate social responsibility, ethics)
  • Law and Governance (law, compliance, auditing, regulatory law, corporate governance)
  • Information Technology (IT) and Digitalization (digitalization, data management, IT and IT security)
  • Finance (finance and controlling, accounting and auditing, each including sustainability reporting, risk management and internal control systems)

Donya-Florence Amer has been responsible for ESG matters within the Supervisory Board since 2024.

Further information on the composition and diversity of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board is provided in the “Corporate Governance Statement.

Compliance Management

The Executive Board is responsible for establishing and monitoring an appropriate compliance management system (CMS). Both Business Segments, Consumer and tesa, have implemented CMS that conform to uniform standards and are implemented in close coordination with their Corporate Compliance departments for all Consumer and tesa subsidiaries. The Corporate Compliance departments are also responsible for developing and monitoring the CMS and defining minimum standards for our compliance programs.

The Corporate Compliance departments of Consumer and tesa report annually to the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board on the Group-wide effectiveness of our CMS as well as progress on other compliance issues such as anti-corruption. To this end, compliance incidents and the implementation status of our compliance programs are recorded centrally and in our subsidiaries worldwide. The results are used to identify any further action required, with appropriate measures implemented by the Corporate Compliance departments to ensure continual improvement. Reports on selected compliance issues are also submitted to the Executive Committee during the year.

In addition to these reports, the Executive and Supervisory Boards receive regular information and training on fundamental compliance issues and legal aspects.

Further information on the CMS is provided in the chapter “ESRS G1 – Business Conduct.”

ESG Governance

The Executive Board chaired by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vincent Warnery is responsible for approving the sustainability strategies and the Group targets they involve. It delegates implementation of the sustainability strategy to the Corporate Sustainability function, headed by Vice President Sustainability Jean-François Pascal, and the sustainability experts within the brands and functions, who report to the Executive Board on a monthly basis concerning implementation of the strategies and progress made in terms of targets and milestones.

ESG Governance (Consumer Business Segment)

ESG Governance (Consumer Business Segment) (graphic)

In addition, the Executive Board is responsible for ensuring internal control and risk management that is commensurate with the business activities and risk situation. This includes sustainability-related targets relevant to the company. The Executive Board provides the Supervisory Board with regular, timely, and comprehensive reports (approx. three to five times a year and additionally in urgent cases) on all questions of relevance to the company, also regarding sustainability in particular, and explains discrepancies between the actual course of business and the planning and targets.

The Supervisory Board appoints, advises, and supervises the Executive Board in connection with the latter’s management of the company, as laid down by the law, the Articles of Association, and the by laws. This also includes sustainability matters. The Supervisory Board and Executive Board work closely together to make a positive contribution to society and to achieve sustainable added value.

A new Digital and ESG Committee was established within the Supervisory Board in 2024, comprising three shareholder representatives and three employee representatives. The Digital and ESG Committee advises and supervises the Executive Board in its business conduct with respect to sustainability matters. These include strategies, targets, and initiatives relating to climate and environmental impacts, circular economy, social matters, human rights, and the commitment to an inclusive society along the entire value chain and beyond. The Digital and ESG Committee also supports the Presiding Committee in preparing the ESG targets to be set for Executive Board remuneration.

The responsibilities for monitoring sustainability matters are incorporated into the duties and offices of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. These responsibilities are set out in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, in which the obligations with regard to the monitoring and management of sustainability matters are described in detail.

The members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board receive specific training as needed, usually once a year. This ensures they have sufficient sustainability-related knowledge of the material positive and negative impacts, financial risks and opportunities as identified.

Information Provided to and Sustainability Matters Addressed by the Company’s Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies

Our Group-wide Corporate Sustainability function is responsible for setting the strategic direction of our sustainability activities and regularly reports to the Executive Board on progress and the need for action. This Corporate Sustainability function reports monthly directly to the Chairman of the Executive Board of Beiersdorf AG, who is responsible for sustainability. The Chief Financial Officer receives quarterly reports on matters relating to compliance and reporting (e.g., the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, LkSG), the “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive” (CSDDD), the CSRD, and the “European Deforestation Regulation” (EUDR)). Meetings are also held with members of the Executive Board, Executive Committee, Supervisory Board and the entire Executive Board, as needed. The Audit Committee receives reports of sustainability matters two to three times per year.

Two cross-functional steering committees oversee the management of material sustainability matters: the Sustainability Council for the Consumer Business Segment and the Global Executive Committee for tesa. The directors of all relevant business units headed by the members of the Executive Board are represented on the Sustainability Council. This committee convenes at least once every quarter. The Global Executive Committee at tesa is composed of the members of the Executive Board and other executives. The committee meets every two weeks; it also discusses sustainability-related topics in the course of its meetings. In addition, the Chief Sustainability Officer reports directly to the Chairman of the Executive Board of tesa.

The following sustainability matters were discussed at Executive Board and Supervisory Board meetings during the reporting year:

  • Sustainability reporting
  • Human rights risks
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Social protection
  • Diversity
  • Circular economy

The regular reports on sustainability matters to the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are intended to ensure that they consider material impacts, risks, and opportunities in their oversight of the strategy, decisions on major transactions, and in risk management, and that trade-offs are dealt with if necessary.

Integration of Sustainability-Related Performance in Incentive Schemes

Achievement of sustainability targets is firmly enshrined in the Beiersdorf remuneration and incentive schemes. This underscores the Executive Board’s responsibility for creating long-term value for people, the environment, and society.

The Supervisory Board is responsible for the determination of the remuneration of the members of the Executive Board. The total remuneration payable to the members of the Executive Board is composed of fixed and variable elements. The fixed remuneration, which is not tied to performance, comprises the base remuneration plus ancillary benefits. The variable, performance-related remuneration is composed of a short-term variable bonus with annual targets (variable bonus) and a long-term variable bonus (LTP). The sustainability and ESG-related targets are integrated into this variable remuneration.

Variable Bonus

The members of the Executive Board receive a variable bonus tied to the performance of the Consumer Business Segment for each financial year. This is paid out after the Annual General Meeting of the year following the financial year in question. The variable bonus is composed of joint and individual performance criteria that are tied to the company’s financial and non-financial performance as well as its strategic and operational development. The specific performance criteria can also be related to sustainability or ESG.

The performance criteria within the individual variable bonus targets in 2024 included (depending on the member) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, receipt of the Triple-A rating from CDP, NIVEA sustainability projects, gender diversity, internationalization, and other diversity and inclusion targets. The average proportion of sustainability and ESG-related performance criteria in the 2024 variable bonus was 18% of target remuneration.

Long-Term Bonus (LTI)

Executive Board members receive a multi-annual bonus measured, in accordance with the currently valid remuneration system, on the basis of the targets for the achievement of strategic criteria after the expiry of a four-year bonus period from 2021 through 2024 (LTP 2021 – 2024). Climate-related targets accounted for 20% of the weighting of the entire LTP 2021 – 2024 (based on target remuneration). The climate targets were to reduce global Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 20% (vs. 2018) and increase the share of recycled materials in plastic packaging by 20%, both by 2024 (see chapter “ESRS E1 – Climate Change”). Targets relating to diversity and employee development also accounted for 20% of the weighting.

The average proportion of sustainability and ESG-related targets in the entire performance-related variable remuneration for 2024 was 32% of target remuneration.

Risk Management and Internal Controls over Sustainability Reporting

As part of a risk analysis, the relevant positions and their associated processes were identified along with the key risks for sustainability reporting. Group-wide safeguarding and control measures have been defined for these positions and processes.

These measures include, among others, segregation of duties, manual approval processes based on the four-eyes principle, IT controls, access restrictions, and authorization concepts within the IT system, as well as system-supported procedures for data processing.

Compliance with recording and control mechanisms is regularly reviewed by Internal Audit. Sustainability-related risks are recorded and consolidated in an integrated IT system. In close coordination with Internal Audit, the Executive Board continuously monitors and oversees these safeguarding and control measures.

To meet the increasingly complex requirements of sustainability reporting, Beiersdorf will continue to expand its internal control system in the future.

Strategy, Business Model, and Value Chain

With a portfolio of global brands, Beiersdorf has developed into one of the world’s leading companies in the consumer goods industry over the past 143 years – with over 190 international subsidiaries and more than 22,000 employees worldwide. Our business is divided into two separate, independently operating business segments: Consumer and tesa. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beiersdorf AG, tesa SE has been operated as an independent subgroup with its own management and corporate strategy since 2001.

In the Consumer Business Segment, our focus is on skin and body care for end consumers. We are represented in three market segments with our worldwide brands NIVEA, Eucerin and La Prairie: the mass market, dermocosmetics, and the premium segment. Our products are sold in 180 countries, with Europe representing our main sales market. Information on changes during the reporting period regarding sales market developments and the product segments offered can be found in the chapters “Results of Operations – Business Segments” in the management report and “Regional Reporting” in the consolidated financial statements.

In the tesa Business Segment, we concentrate on developing innovative adhesive tapes and self-adhesive solutions for industry, craft businesses, and end consumers. In the Industry division, tesa supplies specialized product and system solutions directly to industrial customers, especially in the automotive, electronics, printing and paper, and building and construction industries worldwide.

The tesa Consumer division encompasses those markets in which retail partners or retail-like channels supply end consumers with market-driven products. These include product ranges aimed at private consumers and craftspeople. tesa also uses e-commerce business to offer products for sale directly to end customers. The Consumer business is focused on Europe and Latin America. It sells both long-established and innovative product solutions intended for various applications, including for daily use in offices, at home, and in crafts.

In total 22,678 employees had an active employment contract with Beiersdorf as of December 31, 2024.

Headcount of Employees by Geographic Region






































Our updated corporate strategy for the Consumer Business Segment “Win with Care” was announced in 2024. The aim of the strategy is to build on the growth of recent years in terms of both sustainability and profit. The strategic pillar “Performance with Purpose” sets out our objective of continuing to advocate for sustainability, with a particular focus on climate change mitigation and an inclusive society.

Beiersdorf aims to expand its climate action ambitions through this updated strategy. The new targets for 2032 are to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by 2025 and by 50% by 2032 (vs. 2018) and to carry out an additional comprehensive product transformation. At present, the most important product groups in terms of our sustainability targets in all global markets are deodorants, soaps, body care, cream, and shower products. This is where we see the greatest leverage for emissions reduction. We have therefore set ourselves the following targets for our global product portfolio by 2032:


  • 100% of our plastic packaging made of recycled or renewable materials
  • 100% designed for recycling 

Product formulations

  • 100% of soaps free from tallow
  • 100% of cosmetics free from synthetic polymer microparticles
  • 90% of ingredients biodegradable

These targets are aimed at achieving the company’s Net Zero target by 2045, which was validated by the “Science-Based Targets initiative” (SBTi) in February 2024. For more details on our specific targets and actions for the sustainable transformation of our products, please refer to the chapters “ESRS E1 – Climate Change” and “ESRS E5 – Resource Use and Circular Economy.”

Our CARE BEYOND SKIN Sustainability Agenda remains an integral part of Win with Care. It comprises seven focus fields that concentrate on the impact of our activities throughout the value chain: from the climate impact of our products and processes, the circularity of the resources we use and their influence on land and water use, through to the health and safety of our employees and consumers, and our commitment to an inclusive society. We have set ourselves ambitious targets in all areas, which we aim to achieve by 2025 and 2030, respectively.

CARE BEYOND SKIN Sustainability Agenda

(Consumer Business Segment)

CARE BEYOND SKIN Sustainability Agenda (Consumer Business Segment) (graphic)



At tesa, sustainability is firmly enshrined in the business strategy. Our ambition is to use our technological know-how and passion to develop more sustainable adhesive solutions and products. The framework for this is formed by five strategic action areas for which tesa has defined the following long-term targets for the period through 2030:

Reduction of emissions

  • Climate-neutral production (Scope 1 and 2) and a 20% reduction in Scope 3 emissions vs. 2018.

Responsible sourcing

  • We aim for full supply chain transparency, with the goal of at least 80% of our purchasing volume sourced exclusively from suppliers who have an EcoVadis assessment of at least 45 points and meet our responsible supply chain standards overall.

Use of recycled and bio-based materials

  • 70% of product and packaging materials made from recycled or bio-based materials. We also aim to halve the use of non-recycled fossil-based plastics.

Circularity and reduction of waste

  • We plan to offer sustainable end-of-life solutions for selected products. In production, we aim to further work on solvent-free processes and full solvent recovery.

Enable sustainability at our customers

  • We plan to offer customers innovative adhesive solutions that contribute to the sustainability of their processes and products, and to make the joint work results measurable.

The strategic action areas extend across the business segment’s entire value chain. As a production company in the chemicals sector, we see the greatest leverage for achieving our targets in:

  • increased use of recycled and renewable raw materials for our adhesive solutions;
  • close cooperation with suppliers; and
  • use of renewable energy in our own production and in the supply chain.

An important product group in the context of sustainability targets is our adhesive solutions in the industrial sector in all global markets. By developing more sustainable products, we support our customers in achieving their own sustainability goals and underpin our own emissions reduction ambitions. The sustainability agenda, which is based on the Ten Principles of the “United Nations Global Compact” (UNGC) and the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) of the United Nations, continues to be an additional cornerstone of the strategy. It now reflects our aspiration to view sustainability holistically and thus also includes topics that go beyond the strategic action areas – such as occupational safety.

Sustainability Agenda

(tesa Business Segment)

Sustainability Agenda (tesa Business Segment) (graphic)

We see the three main challenges to the future realization of the sustainability strategies of the Consumer and tesa Business Segments as the availability of renewable energy for the existing supply chains, particularly in the chemicals industry, and the increasing digitalization of internal processes and supply chains to generate transparency. The increased transparency for consumers, including the supporting regulations from the legislator, will also play a key role in achievement of sustainability targets. The main solutions and projects for these challenges are set out in the topic-specific chapters below.

Value Chain

Beiersdorf relies on extraction of raw materials for the production of its products. The raw materials used are associated with the following activities: cultivation and harvesting of agricultural raw materials (primarily palm oil, soy, coconut, wood, and natural rubber), animal husbandry (tallow), and mining and extraction of fossil and mineral raw materials. These raw materials are processed and refined to produce emulsifiers, surfactants, oils, adhesives and other substances, as well as packaging materials. We procure these raw materials from our suppliers via multi-tier supply chains and use them at our production sites. The intermediate products that we procure directly are primarily chemical products and packaging materials comprising plastic, aluminium, glass and paper.

Beiersdorf manufactures a wide range of products in its own operations. The Consumer Business Segment focuses on development and production of skin and body care products, and the tesa Business Segment makes self-adhesive product solutions for industrial customers and consumers. There are 15 production centers for the Consumer Business Segment, located in Europe, North and South America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. These centers focus on mixing and filling activities and produce primarily for their local and regional markets. tesa has seven production centers in Germany, Italy, the USA, China and Vietnam. The production network is supplemented by selected third-party manufacturers (3PMs).

Our production sites and 3PMs deliver the goods to our customers via a network of warehouses and distribution centers. Most warehousing and transportation services are purchased externally. Two warehouses are owned and operated by Beiersdorf. Individual adjustments to products shortly before dispatch (last minute adjustments and co-packing) are largely integrated into warehouse operations. Products are largely distributed to customers by truck and sea freight, increasing also by rail, and in exceptional cases by air freight.

Products in the Consumer Business Segment are predominantly delivered to food retail partners, who sell our products to the end consumers. The tesa Business Segment primarily supplies industrial customers, and to a lesser extent retail partners from the food and building materials sectors.

We rely on agile supply chains, and perform ongoing analyses of our production and supply networks and update them as necessary to ensure procurement of our most important materials and address the needs of our customers and consumers.

Interests and Views of Stakeholders

The transition to a more environmentally-friendly and socially responsible economy requires collective action. We are therefore in continual dialog with our stakeholders and endeavor to understand their positions, concerns and expectations. We share the insights from this dialog several times per year in the relevant decision-making bodies and with the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. This enables us to subject our business strategy to constant scrutiny and make targeted adjustments as necessary.

ESRS 2 – Interests and Views of Stakeholders



Relevance and purpose of engagement


Type and examples of engagement



Own workforce


As an employer, we have a significant impact on the personal and professional development of our employees. We can have a positive influence on our employees by offering them a safe workplace, and personal and professional development opportunities, as well as promoting a healthy work-life balance with fair pay and social benefits. These factors may have a profound effect on the personal development, satisfaction, health, and general well-being of our employees outside of their working lives.


Our engagement with our own workforce involves open and transparent communication, fostering employee development, and designing an attractive working environment.


Several times per year



The dialog between Beiersdorf and its employees takes place at various levels, such as at staff meetings, through employee representatives, via annual employee surveys and in one-on-one employee meetings.




Dialog with our customers as a key stakeholder group is extremely relevant.


Participation in the “Consumer Goods Forum,” an organization that brings together consumer goods retailers and manufacturers from around the world to work on trusting and future-ready relationships with consumers.



Industrial customers


Dialog with this group of stakeholders is highly relevant, as industrial customers have their own sustainability targets that we must address with our products and technologies. Demanding customer requirements may also have the effect of accelerating our own transformation.


Communicating and raising awareness of the Beiersdorf sustainability agenda, targets, progress and specific examples of sustainability measures among industrial customers.




On the other hand, we must convince industrial customers of our own commitment and illustrate the added value of more sustainable products.


Each tesa business unit has its own sustainability manager to coordinate customer requirements and enable specialist cooperation.




Our suppliers can have a positive impact throughout our value chain, and are therefore key stakeholders. Open dialog with suppliers enables us to work together to define sustainability standards, initiate improvements, and increase transparency in the supply chain.


Integrating external knowledge and promoting close cooperation with our suppliers through dialog and joint projects.





Strategic supplier management with clearly defined standards in terms of quality, working conditions, and environmental protection.




Dialog with suppliers on decarbonizing the value chain (Net Zero/reducing Scope 3 emissions).




Involvement in the “AIM-Progress” international collaboration initiative, a global forum of leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturers.


Retail partners


Distributors are a relevant group of stakeholders as they are involved in the daily shopping decisions of customers and can steer them towards more sustainable products. Our partnerships with retailers enable us to make the supply chain more sustainable while also meeting the needs and expectations of consumers in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.


Participation in events, programs, campaigns and platforms offered by retailers on sustainability.





Participation in annual reporting via retail or third-party platforms; provision of our latest sustainability data.




Strategic top level dialog on sustainability, e.g., top-to-top meetings; participation in annual discussion formats between sustainability experts.




Investors play a key role in the long-term performance of our company and are therefore a relevant stakeholder group. We convey our sustainability strategy and performance to investors to enable them to make well-founded decisions as well as to understand their expectations of our company.


Annual/regular events based on the financial calendar at which sustainability information is also provided (Annual General Meeting, annual report publication, etc.).


Several times per year



Specific meetings with investors who specialize in sustainability and/or demand certain minimum standards.




Ongoing support from Investor Relations (responding to investor/rating queries; needs-based, topic-specific meetings with investors/rating agents on sustainability matters).




Annual participation in the CDP rating process.


Policy makers


Policy makers are a relevant group of stakeholders as they shape the framework for corporate and market development. We raise policy makers’ awareness of the value chain for the beauty and body care industry and the key role played by the sector in both economic and societal terms.


Cooperation with companies from the beauty and body care sector for the “Value of Beauty” alliance. The alliance’s mission since January 2024 has been to foster a fundamental understanding of the beauty and body care industry in relation to the economy, sustainability and innovation, health and well-being, and society and culture. The alliance underscores the role of the industry in driving sustainability and climate action at European level, such as through sustainable sourcing of raw materials and product development, production, transportation, consumption, research and innovation.



Local communities


The nature of our business means that we always operate in social spaces, which makes local communities and neighborhoods relevant stakeholders. We also consider the local communities directly linked with our value chain to be key stakeholders. We are therefore keen to make a contribution to social development, environmental protection, and climate change mitigation at local level.


Cooperation with various organizations at local level with the aim of giving back to the local communities and being visible in the community (e.g., through the “Hanseatic Help” and “Die Arche” charities).





Activity directly in palm (kernel) oil cultivation areas with the aim of improving the local working and living conditions of farmers for the long term.


Value chain workers


The well-being of workers along our entire value chain is a key priority for us, making them a relevant group of stakeholders. We ensure good working conditions and monitor our suppliers accordingly.


Establishing various grievance mechanisms to enable workers in the supply chain and all other stakeholders to report noncompliant behavior or voice concerns.





Various media channels and audit reports of our direct and indirect business partners; we receive information via these channels if business partners in upstream supply chains have, or are suspected to have committed breaches of human rights or labor and environmental standards.




Participation in multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the “Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil” (RSPO) and “Action for Sustainable Derivatives” (ASD), which offer comprehensive reporting systems. Reports from affected communities of suspected noncompliance are investigated jointly, and assessed for veracity, and suitable actions determined.




Partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs); we consider the perspective of vulnerable groups in our strategy.




NGOs expect us to actively advocate for sustainable development. Our close and critical dialog with NGOs helps us to refine our sustainability strategy and scrutinize past behavior.


Strategic partnership with the “World Wide Fund for Nature” (WWF); since 2016, this cooperation has enabled us to understand the WWF’s perspective on a range of sustainability matters and to integrate them into our sustainability strategy.





Cooperation with aid organizations “Care” and “Plan International.”




Additional cooperation with NGOs at local level (e.g., “Das Geld hängt an den Bäumen” and “Hanseatic Help”).


Material Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities and Their Interaction with Strategy and Business Model

The table below lists the material sustainability-related impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs) that we have identified in our ESRS-compliant materiality assessment. The IROs are allocated to the topical ESRS and the sub-topics listed in ESRS 1. All listed IROs are covered by the ESRS requirements and no further entity-specific topics were identified. The IROs generally apply to both, the Consumer Business Segment and the tesa Business Segment; exceptions are clearly indicated in the table.

The identified impacts on the environment and people are all to be put into the context of our business model as a global consumer goods manufacturer. The impacts in our own operations are primarily associated with the process of manufacturing our products. Impacts in the upstream and downstream value chain arise through our business relationships with suppliers that supply us with raw materials and intermediate products or deliver our products. Impacts also arise through the use and disposal of our products by consumers or at the end of the product life cycle.

Our business model and strategy are heavily influenced by the necessity for sustainable conduct. The direct effects of the impacts, risks, and opportunities listed below are already noticeable: They include the increasing regulatory pressure, potential reputational risks, transitioning our production sites, and the need for good working conditions both for our own staff and throughout the value chain. We expect additional challenges going forward, such as rising costs, stronger shifts in consumer preferences, and operational adjustments to meet regulatory requirements.

Beiersdorf performed a qualitative analysis of the resilience of its corporate strategy and business model with a view to the material IROs in 2024. The focus was on the extent to which these topics are integrated in the business processes, strategy, and reporting. The results of the analysis underpin the assessment that the company is capable of addressing the material impacts and risks and taking advantage of its material opportunities. Sustainability is firmly enshrined in our business strategy and integrated in our strategic planning with the objective of ensuring the long-term success and resilience of our company.

As regards the identified opportunities and risks, we do not expect any material financial effects on Beiersdorf’s net assets, financial position, results of operations this reporting year or next.

Further information on the actions we are carrying out in the various areas is provided in the topic-specific chapters under “Environment,” “Social,” and “Governance.”

E1 Climate Change

IRO – E1 Climate Change


Value chain


Time horizon

Climate change adaptation

Risk (physical)

Own operations

The increase in extreme weather events due to climate change increases the risk of damage to material property and higher insurance costs at our sites in regions under climate threat.

Medium term

Risk (transition)


Prices of raw and other materials may rise due to the effects of resource depletion caused by climate change and because of new regulations.

Medium term

Risk (physical)

Upstream and downstream

The increase in extreme weather events due to climate change increases the risk of disruptions in the supply chains and transportation networks, which may result in delayed dispatch of goods, damage to the infrastructure, and increased costs for rerouting.

Medium term

Climate change mitigation

Negative impact (actual)

Own operations

Some of the energy used for production and office buildings is from non-renewable sources and therefore causes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Short term

Negative impact (actual)


The business activities in the upstream value chain, such as sourcing of raw materials and packaging manufacture, are energy intensive and currently rely on fossil fuels, which results in GHG emissions.

Short term

Negative impact (actual)


The end products are distributed via fleets with internal combustion engines operated with non-renewable fuels, and the disposal of products results in GHG emissions.

Short term

Risk (transition)

Own operations

Governments around the world are introducing policies to mitigate climate change. The European Commission’s “European Green Deal” laid down a large number of new climate-related requirements for businesses. Companies that fail to comply with these requirements can expect fines, legal action, or reputational damage.

Medium term


Own operations (Consumer Business Segment)

Consumers increasingly expect companies to have a positive impact on the environment. Developing products with a reduced carbon footprint drives innovation and presents Beiersdorf with an opportunity to set itself apart from the competition.

Medium term


Negative impact (actual)


The extraction and production of some materials used, such as aluminum for packaging purposes, is highly energy intensive.

Short term

E2 Pollution

IRO – E2 Pollution


Value chain


Time horizon

Pollution of air

Negative impact (actual)


Energy-intensive business activities in the upstream value chain, such as sourcing of raw materials, manufacture of packaging, management of third-party manufacturers (3PMs), and transportation and distribution of raw materials and intermediate products are often associated with the use of fossil fuels. This may cause emissions of pollutants and adversely affect air quality.

Short term

Pollution of water

Negative impact (potential)


Water pollution caused by suppliers in the chemical industry who may release pollutants into the environment. Production of paper (pulp) for tesa is among the largest industrial water pollutants in some countries.

Long term

Negative impact (actual)

Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

Use of skin care products by consumers may transfer substances into wastewater, thereby adversely affecting the water quality.

Long term

Substances of very high concern

Negative impact (potential)

Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

Some products such as deodorants may contain substances of very high concern. Use of such products may cause these substances to be released into wastewater and build up in the environment.

Medium term


Negative impact (actual)

Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

Some products may contain microplastics that can be released into the environment through consumer use. They do not decompose, but build up and may have an adverse effect on the environment, and – via the food chain – also on human health.

Long term

E3 Water and Marine Resources

IRO – E3 Water and Marine Resources


Value chain


Time horizon

Water consumption and withdrawal

Negative impact (actual)

Own operations (Consumer Business Segment)

The Consumer Business Segment in particular manufactures products that require large amounts of water in the production process that cannot be returned to the water cycle.

Long term

Negative impact (potential)


Large amounts of water are consumed for some intermediate products and raw materials (e.g., on palm oil and cotton plantations, etc.) that cannot be returned to the water cycle in the region.

Long term

Negative impact (potential)

Own operations

The major water withdrawal in the production process may lead to water scarcity in the vicinity of production sites. This ultimately has an impact on the natural environment and may result in a depletion of groundwater.

Medium term



The shortage of raw materials for materials with high water consumption (e.g., agricultural products) may result in an increase in procurement costs.

Medium term


Own operations

An acute water shortage in regions with very high water risk may disrupt industrial processes and lead to production delays, reduced efficiency, increased downtime, and costs for alternative solutions.

Medium term

E4 Biodiversity and Ecosystems

IRO – E4 Biodiversity and Ecosystems


Value chain


Time horizon

Direct impact drivers of biodiversity loss

Negative impact (actual)


Beiersdorf sources palm oil and natural rubber from Southeast Asia. The associated destruction of habitats through deforestation of large areas of tropical rain forest for the purpose of expanding plantations and monocultures results in a loss of biodiversity.

Medium term

E5 Resource Use and Circular Economy

IRO – E5 Resource Use and Circular Economy


Value chain


Time horizon

Resource inflows

Negative impact (potential)

Own operations

A large volume of many different biological materials, new fossil materials, and packaging are used in the manufacture of our products.

Short term


Own operations

A plastic tax on packaging made from fossil plastics has been agreed at European level. This results in increased procurement costs, as Beiersdorf products fall under this rule.

Medium term

Resource outflows

Negative impact (potential)

Own operations

The products contribute to a significant outflow of materials and plastic packaging.

Short term

Negative impact (actual)

Downstream (tesa Business Segment)

Most tesa products (e.g., adhesive tape) cannot be recycled at the end of their life cycle, which has a negative impact on the circular economy of the plastics stream.

Long term


Own operations

New EU regulations concerning the circular economy are causing additional fees and investment in sustainable packaging innovations.

Medium term


Negative impact (potential)


Packaging waste is created at the end of the life cycle. The products are primarily packaged in plastic and/or cardboard boxes, and although these can be recycled, they are not fully biodegradable. These may ultimately be incinerated in countries without a proper recycling system.

Medium term

S1 Own Workforce

IRO – S1 Own Workforce


Value chain


Time horizon

Working conditions (working time, work-life-balance)

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

The enforcement of collective agreements ensures that working conditions for our own workforce are appropriate or above the industry standard (in terms of working time, work-life-balance, parental leave, etc.).

Medium term

Working conditions (social dialog, freedom of association, collective bargaining)

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

Our own workforce is represented by a trade union. There is a works council that ensures the involvement and consultation of the employees, freedom of association, and collective bargaining.

Medium term

Working conditions (health and safety)

Negative impact (actual)

Own operations

The staff at the production sites handle dangerous materials and machinery that could jeopardize their general health and safety.

Medium term

Equal treatment and equal opportunities (gender equality and equal pay for work of equal value)

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations (Consumer Business Segment)

By signing the “Consumer Business Gender Parity Ambition,” the Consumer Business Segment committed to achieving gender parity across all management levels (1–4) by 2025.

Medium term

Equal treatment and equal opportunities (diversity)

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations (Consumer Business Segment)

The principles of diversity and inclusion are incorporated in the “Global DE&I Roadmap” and enable a strategic approach to promoting diversity in the corporate culture and company processes.

Medium term

Equal treatment and equal opportunities (training and skills development)

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

Training and upskilling programs enable employees to develop their skills on an ongoing basis. These programs are supported by regular, constructive performance appraisals. The aim of this approach is to provide the best possible support for employee development and ensure the effectiveness of the programs.

Medium term

S2 Workers in the Value Chain

IRO – S2 Workers in the Value Chain


Value chain


Time horizon

Working conditions (working time, adequate wages, freedom of association)

Negative impact (potential)


The business activities in the supply chains of our global activities are associated with high pressure on workers in various sectors, such as agricultural products. This is an indirect contribution to difficult working conditions, particularly at the lower end of high risk supply chains, such as production of raw materials based on palm oil or rubber. Negative impacts may include deductions from wages, working time or wage violations under local law, and suppression of freedom of association.

Medium term

Equal treatment and opportunities for all (measures against violence and harassment)

Negative impact (potential)


The business activities in the supply chains of our global activities are associated with high pressure on workers in various sectors, such as agricultural products. This is an indirect contribution to difficult working conditions, particularly at the lower end of high risk supply chains, such as production of raw materials based on palm oil or rubber. Negative impacts may include discrimination in the workplace.

Medium term

Other work-related rights (child labor, forced labor)

Negative impact (potential)


The business activities in the supply chains of our global activities are associated with high pressure on workers in various sectors, such as agricultural products. This is an indirect contribution to difficult working conditions, particularly at the lower end of high risk supply chains, such as production of raw materials based on palm oil or rubber. Negative impacts may include child or forced labor.

Medium term

S3 Affected Communities

IRO – S3 Affected Communities


Value chain


Time horizon

Rights of indigenous peoples (free, prior, and informed consent)

Negative impact (actual)

Upstream (Consumer Business Segment)

The expansion of palm oil plantations may be associated with displacement of indigenous communities and conflicts regarding land rights.

Long term

S4 Consumers and End-Users

IRO – S4 Consumers and End-Users


Value chain


Time horizon

Personal safety of consumers (health and safety)

Positive impact (actual)

Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

The products from the Consumer Business Segment help to prevent and treat dermatological conditions for end consumers.

Short term

Negative impact (potential)

Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

Despite a detailed and comprehensive safety assessment of all products, individual sensitivities, improper application or misuse of products may result in adverse health effects to consumers, for example, skin reactions such as irritant or allergic contact dermatitis. This is unavoidable and does not confirm that the products have not been properly evaluated.

Short term


Downstream (Consumer Business Segment)

The sale of products that are not safe or do not meet quality criteria may result in product recalls and potential legal action. This would involve financial loss due to the associated costs. Reputational damage is another possible consequence.

Short term


Own operations (Consumer Business Segment)

Beiersdorf’s focus on high quality, safe, and health-promoting products enables it to set its brands apart in the market, build a loyal customer base, and position itself as a leading company in the health-conscious cosmetics sector.

Short term

G1 Business Conduct

IRO – G1 Business Conduct


Value chain


Time horizon

Corporate culture

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

The Consumer and tesa Business Segments have guidelines on business conduct that promote the corporate culture. This creates the obligation to actively identify, report, and investigate behavior that violates the law or the Code of Conduct.

Long term

Protection of whistleblowers

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

There are whistleblowing channels open not only to our own employees, but also to customers, consumers, suppliers, and other external stakeholders who wish to report possible misconduct.

Long term

Corruption and bribery

Positive impact (actual)

Own operations

There is a Group-wide compliance management system (CMS) that helps to prevent and detect corruption and bribery through targeted training. The participation rate has been close to 100% in recent years.

Long term


Own operations

If employees are not properly trained on preventing and detecting corruption and bribery, this may result in unintended breaches with legal consequences, fines and penalties.

Medium term


Own operations

Cases of corruption – even if they are unintentional – may result in negative attention in the media, which causes reputational damage and a potential threat to the brand value of the company.

Medium term

Description of the Processes to Identify and Assess Material Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities

We have relied on materiality assessments as a strategic tool to orient our sustainability strategy and our reporting since 2011. In 2024, we revised our materiality assessment process extensively in line with new requirements under the ESRS, and performed a double materiality assessment pursuant to ESRS provisions. We also consolidated the assessment at Group level for the tesa and Consumer Business Segments.

The first step of the assessment involves defining potential and actual positive and negative impacts, as well as financial risks and opportunities. To do this, we identified business activities along our entire value chain at the level of the sub-topics specified in the ESRS, in which impacts, risks, and opportunities could arise. This allocation of the value chain provided an overview of potential interdependencies between the environmental and social impacts and the associated risks and opportunities within the materiality assessment. As a player in the cosmetics and FMCG industry, our focus is on resource use, packaging management and supply chain conditions. For example, we analyze how the extraction and processing of key raw materials such as palm oil or water produce environmental risks such as deforestation or water scarcity, while addressing social challenges such as fair working conditions in the supply chain. These interactions are analyzed not only for potential risks, but also for opportunities such as innovative packaging solutions or sustainable raw material alternatives. The aim is to ensure that our sustainability strategy is not developed in isolation, but as a dynamic response to complex interdependencies.

Our data basis was drawn from internal sources such as topic-specific risk analyses, and external data sources that deal with industry-specific risks.

We considered both our own operations and the upstream and downstream value chain in identifying and assessing the impacts of our company on people and the environment. The focus was on our main business activities, product groups, business relationships, and key raw materials supply chains in which multiple negative and positive impacts, opportunities, and risks are likely. Individual sites and assets were not reviewed and affected communities were not consulted with a view to impacts, opportunities, and risks in the areas of pollution, water, resource use and circular economy. In some cases, individual impacts were assessed separately because of the different business models of the Consumer and tesa Business Segments.

In the next step, these impacts, risks, and opportunities were assessed and prioritized in several internal workshops involving representatives from all affected departments. In planning the workshops, we made sure that specialist representatives were in attendance, who were in regular dialog with relevant external stakeholders and whose perspectives could therefore be directly included in the discussions. No external experts were involved.

The assessment of impacts, risks, and opportunities was based on the methodology and thresholds set out in the implementation guidance of the “European Financial Reporting Advisory Group” (EFRAG). Negative impacts were assessed in terms of scale, scope and irremediable character, and potential impacts in terms of likelihood. Positive impacts were not assessed in terms of irremediable character. Having assessed the positive and negative impacts, we classified these according to the scales and materiality thresholds determined by the EFRAG.

In our financial materiality assessment, the likelihood of occurrence and the potential scale of the financial effect were considered. We applied the scales and thresholds used in the Group-wide risk management system. This was also a net risk assessment, in line with the Group-wide risk management system. Such methodological alignment is intended to ensure that the knowledge obtained from the materiality assessment can be integrated into the company’s general risk management and thus also in the associated management processes. Sustainability risks are generally regarded as equally as important as other risk types in the Group-wide risk management system. Where sustainability risks are categorized as strategic risks, they are given special consideration (see “Risks and Opportunities Report”).

Where an impact, opportunity, or risk exceeded the materiality threshold, the associated topic was classed as material. The final results were then validated by the relevant sustainability bodies from the two business segments: the Sustainability Council (Consumer Business Segment) and the Executive Committee (tesa Business Segment). The Executive Board and Supervisory Board (Audit Committee) of Beiersdorf AG were also informed and discussed the possible strategic implications of the results.

Based on the impacts, risks and opportunities identified as material, Beiersdorf selected the disclosures to be reported and assigned material data points to the IROs. Data points that are voluntarily reported or subject to phase-in options were eliminated. Where Beiersdorf identified individual data points or data elements in the remaining data points that were not considered material due to company-specific circumstances, these were not included in the reporting. An overview of all reported disclosure requirements can be found in “Annex A.”

Monitoring identified impacts and risks is a key part of our sustainability management. Developments and progress within the framework of our sustainability strategy are measured against clearly defined KPIs and targets, allowing any necessary adjustments to be made at an early stage. The results are presented to the relevant committees so that the identified risks and impacts can be strategically addressed. Regular reviews of the materiality assessment ensure that our actions remain relevant. The materiality assessment is scheduled to be reviewed during reporting year 2025 and updated as necessary.

Assessment of Climate-related Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities

To identify climate-related impacts in the materiality assessment, we considered in particular our Scope 1 – 3 emissions, in order to take account of the impacts from both our own operations and the upstream and downstream value chain. We perform regular analyses to assess physical and transition climate risks and opportunities – most recently in 2023 – in line with the requirements of the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” (TCFD). These results were also included in the materiality assessment. The transition risks and opportunities were assessed based on the “Net Zero Emissions by 2050” (NZE) scenario of the “International Energy Agency” (IEA). This involved assessing the extent to which certain business activities and assets are directly or indirectly affected by regulatory, technological, reputational or market risks, the scale and likelihood of the impacts, and which remediation actions Beiersdorf takes.

We also performed an additional site-specific assessment of physical risks for all production sites in 2024. This was based on currently available scientific findings and relevant methods in line with the latest report by the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” and recognized scientific publications. The assessment covered both chronic and acute natural hazards, aiming to identifying all material risks to production sites under current and future climate conditions. We analyzed the hazards based on an ensemble of 20 climate models, taking into account emission scenarios SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 for four periods (2000, 2030, 2050, 2085).

The three emission scenarios covered the entire spectrum of currently conceivable developments:

  • SSP1-2.6: This scenario assumes a slight increase in emissions from 2020 with an increase in temperature of below 2 °C against pre-industrial levels. This requires extensive climate change mitigation actions.
  • SSP2-4.5: This scenario represents a medium emission pathway, with a balance between climate change mitigation actions and economic performance. There is a moderate increase in GHG emissions as fossil fuels continue to be used, resulting in a greater need for adaptation strategies, especially in vulnerable regions.
  • SSP5-8.5: This scenario assumes a sharp rise in emissions. Increased use of fossil fuels and an energy intensive lifestyle result in a temperature rise of around 5 °C by the end of the century. Minimal climate change mitigation actions are implemented. Climate adaptation challenges require international coordination.

A site and building-based risk assessment was carried out for each climate-related hazard. The risk comprises the threat at the site due to natural hazards (hazard analysis) and the associated damage potential for the property assessed (vulnerability).

Assessment of Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities related to Biodiversity and Ecosystems

We applied a two-step process to assess actual and potential impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, both from our own operations and along the upstream and downstream value chain. First, we performed a traceability study on our palm oil supply chain. It then assessed biodiversity risks in the specific regions of our own sites and the oil mills in the upstream supply chain using such tools as the WWF’s “Biodiversity Risk Filter” (BRF) and “Water Risk Filter” (WRF). Moreover, as a founding member of the “Action for Sustainable Derivatives” (ASD), we have been conducting an annual transparency analysis of our palm oil supply chain since 2019 to identify hotspots, disclose upstream supply chains, and support targeted local projects (see chapter “ESRS E4 – Biodiversity and Ecosystems”).

The WWF’s BRF covers both the regions in which our sites are located and the sector in which we operate. Together, these factors determine the overall biodiversity risk of a site, using 33 indicators that cover different aspects of biodiversity risk. A risk score is calculated for every indicator based on an assessment of the state of the biodiversity-related issue at a specific site and the dependency/impact of the sector on this indicator. Dependency in this context means that the selected sector relies on ecosystems, for instance to provide water and wood, or to regulate and mitigate environmental impacts. On the other hand, sectors have an impact on biodiversity at their sites, for example through direct or indirect exploitation, pollution and land-use changes (including conversion, degradation and changes to ecosystems).

Physical risks were assessed based on our dependency on intact ecosystems and our exposure to ecosystem degradation and natural hazards. Sites located in regions with high water scarcity or poor soil conditions may be exposed to greater physical risks. The BRF assesses these risks by taking into account the local environmental conditions and the dependency of the industry on ecosystem services. The tool also assesses transition risks by considering how political changes, consumer trends, and technological developments could affect the business activities of a sector.

At present, Beiersdorf does not consider systemic risks in its assessment and has not directly consulted affected communities on the materiality assessment of shared biological resources and ecosystems.

None of our production centers coincide with biodiversity-sensitive areas as defined in the WWF’s BRF. Therefore, the activities at these sites neither negatively affect these areas, nor lead to deterioration of natural habitats or the habitats of species. We have not so far assessed whether we need to implement actions to mitigate the impact on biodiversity associated with our business activities, as set out in Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and the Council.

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    Filter pages according to ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)

    • General Disclosures
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    • Water and marine Resources
    • Biodiversity and Ecosystems
    • Resource Use and Circular Economy
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    • Workers in the Value Chain
    • Affected Communities
    • Consumers and End-users
    • Business Conduct
