Remuneration System and Process
The remuneration system for the Executive Board valid up to and including 2024 was revised in line with the AktG, as amended by ARUG II, as of January 1, 2021, and approved by the Annual General Meeting on April 1, 2021, with a majority of 87% of the votes cast. The remuneration system is published on the website at The main elements of the remuneration system are also summarized in this remuneration report.
The remuneration system applies to all members of the Executive Board appointed from 2021 on. In accordance with the underlying legal framework, the service agreements currently in force with the members of the Executive Board appointed prior to 2021, in particular the long-term variable compensation components, are in principle unaffected. Nevertheless, the Supervisory Board has agreed in principle with serving Executive Board members that the remuneration system shall apply to them effective January 1, 2021.
The remuneration system was refined effective January 1, 2025, in particular with respect to long-term variable remuneration. This new remuneration system will be submitted to the 2025 Annual General Meeting for approval.
Link to Strategy and Guiding Principles of the Remuneration System
The remuneration system for the Executive Board valid in 2024 made a material contribution to furthering and implementing the important business strategy of recent years, C.A.R.E.+, both in its entirety and with its individual components by creating incentives for sustained and value-oriented corporate development and taking into account the interests of the shareholders, customers, employees, business partners, environment, and society (stakeholders). The business strategy was developed into the “Win with Care” strategy in July 2024, which will be taken into account in the new remuneration system applicable from 2025.
The previous business strategy, C.A.R.E.+, was rooted in the clear ambition to grow competitively and sustainably through strategic priorities and the will to create added value for people and society in the long term. In this way, Beiersdorf wanted to expand its position in the skin care market and ensure sustained profitability.
The C.A.R.E.+ strategy entailed the following five strategic priorities:
- Digital transformation: strengthen consumer proximity through new digital channels and technologies
- Skin care: gain consumers’ favor with superior skin care innovations and a strong portfolio of global brands
- Growth potential: tap new growth markets and business areas and leverage global growth potential
- Increased productivity: accelerate growth through increased productivity
- Sustainability and Core Values: With the four Core Value attributes (Care, Simplicity, Courage and Trust), culture, sustainability, compliance as well as our employees’ capabilities and skills, we are building on a strong foundation.
The structure of the remuneration system and the actual remuneration awarded on the basis of this system give the members of the Executive Board an incentive to pursue and achieve the goals defined in the strategy and thus work toward achieving sustainable and long-term growth of the company’s enterprise value. In 2024, both the short- and long-term variable remuneration therefore included specific performance criteria geared toward the five priorities of the C.A.R.E.+ strategy.
Beyond this strategic link, the Supervisory Board is guided by the following additional factors in structuring the remuneration system and determining the amount of remuneration:
Company’s situation |
The remuneration system is based on the company’s operating, financial, and economic situation as well as its successes and outlook for the future. |
Duties and performance of the Executive Board |
The remuneration system takes into account the duties and performance of the Executive Board as a whole as well as of the individual members. |
Pay for performance |
The remuneration system defines appropriate performance indicators for determining the performance-tied variable remuneration, which accounts for most of the total remuneration, to ensure that the Executive Board’s performance is appropriately rewarded, while taking due account of any failure to achieve the defined targets. |
Appropriateness |
The structure and amount of the Executive Board remuneration reflects customary market practice and is competitive. This is ensured by means of regular benchmarking against the relevant peer groups. In addition, the remuneration for the Executive Board is appropriately balanced in relation to the remuneration for the company’s senior management and employees. |
Consistency |
The remuneration system for the Executive Board and senior management create comparable incentives and have predominantly uniform objectives (consistency of the remuneration system). In addition, the corporate targets for employees’ variable remuneration are defined on the basis of the corporate goals defined for the remuneration of the Executive Board. This ensures consistent incentives and, hence, a uniform control effect. |
Regulatory conformity |
The remuneration system for the Executive Board is consistent with the German Stock Corporation Act and takes account of the recommendations and suggestions of the German Corporate Governance Code. |
Procedure for Determining, Implementing, and Reviewing the Remuneration System
The Supervisory Board has drawn up and approved the remuneration system in accordance with the statutory requirements and in the light of the recommendations and suggestions of the German Corporate Governance Code (except where the company has declared a deviation from that Code). In doing so, it was advised and supported by external remuneration advisors and by its Presiding Committee, particularly on questions concerning the appropriateness and market conformity of the amount of the remuneration, and by the Personnel Committee, particularly on questions concerning the remuneration structure.
The Supervisory Board regularly reviews the remuneration system, particularly with regard to its appropriateness, including in relation to comparable companies (horizontal comparison) and within the company in relation to senior management and the workforce as a whole (vertical comparison). The review of the remuneration system is prepared by the Presiding Committee, which recommends any necessary adjustments to the remuneration system to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board submits the remuneration system for approval by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with § 120a AktG in the event of any material change to the remuneration system and at least every four years. The remuneration system will next be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval in April 2025.
Definition of Specific Target Total Remuneration and Determination of the Amount of Remuneration
On the basis of the remuneration system, the Supervisory Board defines the specific target total remuneration for the individual members of the Executive Board comprising all fixed and variable remuneration components for the year including ancillary benefits.
The Supervisory Board defines the performance criteria for all variable compensation components for the financial year ahead at the recommendation of its Presiding Committee within the framework of the remuneration system. When defining the performance criteria, the Supervisory Board also determines the weighting of the individual performance criteria within the specific remuneration component. In addition, it ensures that the target remuneration under the variable remuneration components is generally tied more closely to strategic objectives than to operational ones and that the amount of the target remuneration under long-term remuneration components is higher than that under the short-term remuneration component. For the short-term variable remuneration applicable in 2024, the Supervisory Board set the performance criteria in November 2023 following submission of the multi-year planning prepared by the Executive Board. The target total remuneration for the financial year 2024 was also determined in November 2023.
After the end of the financial year (or, in the case of long-term variable remuneration, after the end of the last financial year of the assessment period), the Supervisory Board determines the specific target achievement at the recommendation of its Presiding Committee. For this purpose, achievement of the financial targets is determined in connection with the preparation and approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements. Achievement of the non-financial targets is determined after detailed consultation derived from a comparison of the target/actual achievement of individual performance criteria. The Supervisory Board sets the variable remuneration and the total remuneration for the previous financial year on the basis of the target achievement. For the 2024 short-term variable annual bonus and the long-term variable remuneration LTP 2021 – 2024, the term of which ended as of December 31, 2024, the Supervisory Board determined the specific target achievement at its meeting on February 3, 2025 (see also e) in the “Remuneration structure and elements” section of this remuneration report).
Appropriateness and Market Conformity of the Remuneration/Comparison With Market Environment and Employee Remuneration
In determining remuneration, the Supervisory Board pays particular attention to ensuring that the target remuneration appropriately reflects the duties (including division responsibilities) and performance of the member of the Executive Board. In addition to distinctions based on specific functions, e.g., the position of Chairman of the Executive Board and regional responsibilities, the Supervisory Board may also, at its own due discretion, take account of other criteria such as location, experience, and length of service. The Supervisory Board also ensures that the remuneration of the Executive Board appropriately reflects the company’s net assets, financial position, results of operations, and prospects for the future and does not exceed the customary remuneration without reason.
In assessing appropriateness and market conformity, the Supervisory Board particularly considers the specific competitive situation (horizontal comparison). For this purpose, the Supervisory Board considers relevant peer groups, which are selected on the basis of Beiersdorf’s market position (particularly country, sector, and size). The peer groups, whose composition is disclosed in the remuneration system, comprise companies listed in the German DAX and MDAX equity indexes, on the one hand, and an international sector peer group, on the other. The horizontal comparison is also intended to ensure that the Executive Board receives competitive remuneration that conforms to standard market practice.
To ensure appropriate Executive Board remuneration in conformance with standard market practice, the Supervisory Board also considers its relationship to the company’s internal remuneration structure (vertical comparison). To this end, it compares the amount of the average annual target remuneration paid to senior management, comprising the first and second management group of the Consumer Business Segment in Germany below the Executive Board, with the Executive Board remuneration. Moreover, the Executive Board remuneration is compared with the amount of the average annual remuneration across all employees in the Consumer Business Segment in Germany (including senior management). The ratio thus determined is also reviewed over time.
The Supervisory Board has reviewed and confirmed the appropriateness and market conformity of the Executive Board remuneration in setting the specific target remuneration for 2024, most recently with the support of an external remuneration expert as part of the development of the remuneration system that will apply from 2025.