Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Disclosures Relating to Takeover Law

The disclosures required under § 315a Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code, HGB) and § 289a HGB are presented below.

Please refer to the notes for the disclosures on the composition of the subscribed capital and the disclosures on direct or indirect interests in the share capital exceeding 10% of the voting rights.

The appointment and removal from office of members of the Executive Board are governed by §§ 84 and 85 AktG, § 31 Mitbestimmungsgesetz (German Co-determination Act, MitbestG), and § 7 of the Articles of Association. In accordance with § 7 (1) of the Articles of Association, the Executive Board consists of at least three members; apart from this provision, the Supervisory Board determines the number of members of the Executive Board. The Articles of Association may be amended in accordance with §§ 179 and 133 AktG and with § 16 of the Articles of Association. Under § 16 (1) of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board is authorized to resolve amendments and additions to the Articles of Association that concern the latter’s wording only. Under § 5 (6) of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board is authorized in particular to amend and reformulate § 5 of the Articles of Association (Share Capital) following each utilization of authorized or contingent capital.

The Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2020, authorized the Executive Board to increase the share capital with the approval of the Supervisory Board in the period until April 28, 2025, by up to a total of €92 million (Authorized Capital I: €42 million; Authorized Capital II: €25 million; Authorized Capital III: €25 million) by issuing new no-par-value bearer shares on one or several occasions. In this context, the dividend rights for new shares may be determined in deviation from § 60 (2) AktG.

Shareholders must be granted pre-emptive rights. However, the Executive Board is authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to disapply shareholders’ pre-emptive rights in the following cases:

  1. To eliminate fractions created as a result of capital increases against cash contributions (Authorized Capital I, II, III);
  2. To the extent necessary to grant the holders or creditors of convertible bonds or bonds with warrants issued by Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft, or companies in which it holds a direct or indirect majority interest, rights to subscribe for new shares in the amount to which they would be entitled after exercising their conversion or option rights, or after fulfilling their conversion obligation (Authorized Capital I, II, III);
  3. If the total amount of share capital attributable to the new shares for which pre-emptive rights are to be disapplied does not exceed 10% of the share capital existing at the time this authorization comes into effect or – in the event that this amount is lower – at the time the new shares are issued and the issue price of the new shares is not materially lower than the quoted market price of the existing listed shares at the time when the issue price is finalized, which should be as near as possible to the time the shares are placed. If, during the term of the authorized capital, other authorizations to issue or sell shares in the company or to issue rights that enable or oblige the holder to subscribe for shares in the company are exercised while disapplying pre-emptive rights pursuant to or in accordance with § 186 (3) sentence 4 AktG, this must be counted toward the above-mentioned 10% limit (Authorized Capital II);
  4. In the case of capital increases against non-cash contributions for the purpose of acquiring companies, business units of companies, or equity interests in companies (Authorized Capital III).

The Executive Board may only exercise the above authorizations to disapply pre-emptive rights to the extent that the total proportionate interest in the share capital attributable to the shares issued while disapplying pre-emptive rights does not exceed 10% of the share capital at the time these authorizations become effective or at the time these authorizations are exercised. If other authorizations to issue or sell shares in the company or to issue rights that enable or oblige the holder to subscribe for shares in the company are exercised while disapplying pre-emptive rights during the term of an authorized capital until such time as it is utilized, this must be counted toward the above-mentioned limit.

The Executive Board was also authorized to determine the further details of the capital increase and its implementation with the approval of the Supervisory Board.

In addition, the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2020, resolved to contingently increase the share capital by up to a total of €42 million, composed of up to 42 million no-par-value bearer shares. The contingent capital increase will be implemented only to the extent that:

  1. the holders or creditors of conversion and/or option rights attached to convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants issued in the period until April 28, 2025, by Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft, or companies in which it holds a direct or indirect majority interest, choose to exercise their conversion or option rights, or
  2. the holders or creditors of convertible bonds giving rise to a conversion obligation issued in the period until April 28, 2025, by Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft, or companies in which it holds a direct or indirect majority interest, comply with such obligation,

and the contingent capital is required for this in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bonds.

The new shares bear dividend rights from the beginning of the financial year in which they are created as a result of the exercise of conversion or option rights, or as a result of compliance with a conversion obligation.

The Executive Board was authorized to determine the further details of the implementation of a contingent capital increase.

The Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2020, also authorized the company in accordance with § 71 (1) no. 8 AktG to purchase own shares in the total amount of up to 10% of the existing share capital in the period up to April 28, 2025. The shares shall be purchased via the stock exchange, or via a public purchase offer addressed to all shareholders, or a public invitation to tender shares. The Annual General Meeting authorized the Executive Board to sell in whole or in part the own shares purchased on the basis of the above mentioned or a prior authorization with the approval of the Supervisory Board while disapplying the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, including in a way other than via the stock exchange or via a purchase offer to all shareholders, to the extent that these shares are sold for cash at a price that does not fall materially below the market price of the same class of shares of the company at the time of the sale. The Executive Board was also authorized to sell in whole or in part the own shares acquired in accordance with the above mentioned or a previous authorization with the approval of the Supervisory Board against non-cash consideration while disapplying the pre-emptive rights of shareholders, particularly to utilize them as consideration or partial consideration in the context of a merger or the acquisition of companies, equity interests in companies (including increases in equity interests), or business units of companies. Moreover, the Executive Board is authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to utilize these own shares in whole or in part, while disapplying the pre-emptive rights of shareholders, in order to satisfy the subscription and/or conversion rights from convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants issued by the company or companies in which it holds a direct or indirect majority interest or other claims to the transfer of shares. The Executive Board is further authorized, in the event that own shares are sold to all shareholders, to disapply the pre-emptive rights of shareholders where this is necessary to eliminate any fractions that may arise. The Executive Board may only make use of the above authorizations to disapply pre-emptive rights when utilizing own shares to the extent that the total proportion of shares utilized without pre-emptive rights does not exceed 10% of the share capital either at the time of the resolution by the Annual General Meeting or at the time these authorizations are exercised. If, during the term of this authorization to utilize own shares, other authorizations to issue or sell shares in the company or to issue rights that enable or oblige the holder to acquire shares in the company are exercised while disapplying pre-emptive rights, this must be counted toward the above-mentioned limit.

Finally, the Executive Board was authorized to retire the own shares acquired in accordance with the above-mentioned or a prior authorization with the approval of the Supervisory Board without requiring an additional resolution by the Annual General Meeting.

The creation of the authorized and contingent capital is intended to put the company in the position of being able to react to growth opportunities and capital market opportunities quickly and flexibly. The authorization to purchase and utilize own shares enables the company in particular to also offer shares in the company to institutional or other investors and/or to expand the shareholder base of the company, as well as to utilize the purchased own shares as consideration or partial consideration for the acquisition of companies, equity interests in companies (including increases of equity interests), or business units, or as part of mergers, i.e. in return for considerations in kind.

In connection with the share buyback program carried out in the period from April 24, 2024, to August 6, 2024, the Executive Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, made use of the authorization to retire own shares without an additional resolution by the Annual General Meeting and retired a total of 4,000,000 shares. As part of the share buyback program, the company also made use of the authorization to acquire own shares and acquired a total of 3,604,604 shares.

The dividend is the share of distributed profit per individual share of a joint-stock company.
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