ESRS S1 – Own Workforce
Own Workforce
Material Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities
As part of our materiality assessment, we identified positive impacts in relation to the issues of working conditions (including collective bargaining, freedom of association, social dialog, working time, and work-life balance) and of equal treatment and opportunities for all (including diversity, gender equality and equal pay for work of equal value, and training and skills development). Potential negative impacts were identified in relation to occupational health and safety. No risks or opportunities were identified in relation to the company’s own workforce. The material impacts relate to our own employees and not to self-employed workers or employees of third-party companies. A description of the activities of the company resulting in positive impacts is provided in the following chapter (see “Actions”). With regard to negative impacts in the area of occupational safety, employees working in production facilities are considered to be particularly at risk.
A detailed overview of all impacts, risks and opportunities identified and the methodology used for the double materiality assessment can be found in the chapter “ESRS 2 — General Disclosures.”
Policies Related to the Own Workforce
Beiersdorf has introduced various policies to reinforce material positive impacts and minimize any negative impacts in relation to the company’s own workforce.
We firmly believe that our employees are the key to the success of our company. Their commitment and expertise are a major reason why our brands and products are appreciated and purchased all over the world. As an employer, we offer our employees attractive conditions and a wide range of opportunities to grow personally and help shape the future of the company. In doing so, we create an important basis for successfully competing for talent.
Our culture is based on trust, collaboration, respect, openness, and mutual appreciation – and, in addition to our Core Values of Care, Simplicity, Courage, and Trust, focuses in particular on a sense of community.
Code of Conduct (CoC) for employees
Our company operates worldwide – and laws, codes of conduct and customs are as diverse as the languages spoken by Beiersdorf employees. This is why we set high standards when it comes to responsibility, both for us as a company and for each individual. Our Code of Conduct for the Consumer Business Segment is designed to set out these binding standards and provide guidelines that anyone can apply in any location where the Consumer Business Segment is represented by affiliates. It is intended to help employees, managers and members of the Executive Board alike to understand our principles, act in accordance with them and preserve them for the future. The Code of Conduct addresses material topics such as diversity and occupational health and safety, among others and stipulates that any form of discrimination or harassment is expressly rejected in all areas of the company and in all decisions. This applies regardless of skin colour, gender, age, religion, ideology, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability, cultural, ethnic or national origin. A detailed description of the Code of Conduct and its content as well as the relevant monitoring processes can be found in the chapter “ESRS G1 — Business Conduct.”
Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights
With our “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights,” we are making an express commitment to strengthening human rights: We do not tolerate any form of corruption, forced labor, human trafficking, child labor, or discrimination. This applies both to our own sites and employees worldwide and to all workers in the value chain. Furthermore, we support the health and safety of employees in the workplace, employees’ right to freedom of association, including collective bargaining, and environmental protection. We are also committed to equal rights and treatment and to diversity. The “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights” therefore addresses the material topics of freedom of association/collective bargaining, health and safety and diversity.
A detailed description of the “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights” can be found in the chapter “ESRS S2 – Workers in the Value Chain.”
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Roadmap (DE&I Roadmap)
As a global company, we see diversity in our workforce as an opportunity. The aim of our DE&I Roadmap is to create an inclusive corporate culture whose diversity reflects the diversity of our customers while also taking gender balance into account. Our roadmap sets out three strategic priorities to achieve this objective:
- Embedding a truly inclusive culture of “We” rather than “I.”
- Driving diversity in leadership positions (with a focus on gender parity).
- Achieving diversity in our teams beyond the focus on gender (#beyondgender).
The “DE&I Roadmap” applies to all employees worldwide of the Consumer Business Segment. Nicola D. Lafrentz, Member of the Executive Board, CHRO and Labor Relations Director for Germany, is responsible for implementing the “DE&I Roadmap.”
The roadmap is available on our intranet and accessible to all employees.
The DE&I Roadmap addresses the ESRS sub-topics of diversity and gender equality, which have been identified as material.
Safety and Health Policy
The aim of our “Safety and Health Policy” is to reduce potential safety risks and accidents in our production facilities. The policy includes our most important actions and programs, and can be used by our sites as a basis for developing their own local implementation plans and actions. These include, among other things:
- Safety and health management systems: Implementation and continuous improvement of systems to identify, assess and control risks.
- Emergency preparedness and response: Development and regular review of emergency plans and implementation of appropriate trainings.
- Health management: Promotion of the physical and mental health of employees through preventive measures and health offerings.
- General safety aspects: Implementation of measures to ensure a safe working environment, including the provision of personal protective equipment and the safe handling of machinery and equipment.
Our global and local safety departments, together with our leadership teams, are responsible for implementing the policy and for our overall safety management in the workplace. Senior managers are responsible for implementing safety and health management systems relevant to their sites. Our “Safety and Health Policy” applies particularly to all our production sites around the world.
To monitor the progress of our safety measures, we use global indicators and carry out regular audits. These audits are carried out both by external partners and internally to ensure compliance with the policies and identify potential for improvement. The “Safety and Health Policy” is available on our intranet and accessible to all employees.
Global policy on serious illnesses
Trust and care are firmly anchored in the Consumer Business Segment’s value system. In cases of life-threatening illnesses, we support our employees from their diagnosis through to their reintegration into the workplace. The policy applies globally to all employees of the companies in the Consumer business unit and becomes effective through national agreements accordingly. Nicola D. Lafrentz, CHRO and Labor Director in Germany, is responsible for the guideline. We offer medical and social support for those affected and attach great importance to educating and informing managers.
There are currently no global policies on the material topics of social dialog, training and skills development, equal pay for work of equal value, work-life balance and working time, as these labor law agreements are made at national level in accordance with national legislation and occupational health and safety laws.
Our employees make a crucial contribution to our company’s success. Their commitment and skills enhance our innovative strength and competitiveness. We support talented employees with targeted training measures and offer them an attractive working environment that values individual strengths and diversity. Our aim is to attract motivated employees, retain them in the long term and ensure sustainable success. Our values – Team up, Challenge Yourself, Set the Pace, Focus on your Customers, Act responsibly, Achieve and Improve – shape our daily actions and our corporate culture.
tesa Code of Conduct
It is our goal to ensure that the ethical principles driving our success are standardized and implemented for all tesa employees worldwide. This is why tesa has introduced the tesa Code of Conduct, which is based on our corporate values and the principles of the UN Global Compact. The tesa Code of Conduct contains important rules for acting responsibly and offers all employees guidance on legal and ethical challenges. The tesa Code of Conduct clearly states that any form of forced labor is strictly rejected. Child labor is also not tolerated and no young people under the respective legal minimum age may be employed. tesa is committed to equal treatment and expressly opposes any kind of discrimination in all areas of the company and in all decisions.
No one may be discriminated against, i.e. disadvantaged without objective reasons, because of their race, skin color, nationality or descent, because of their gender, their beliefs, their worldview or political opinion, because of their physical constitution, sexual orientation, their age, appearance or because of other personal characteristics. The main topics of the tesa Code of Conduct include business conduct, personal integrity, the handling of company resources, the working environment, sustainability and compliance with the principles. The material topics of diversity, occupational health and safety, and social dialog are also addressed in this context. A detailed description of the tesa Code of Conduct and its content can be found in the chapter “ESRS G1 — Business Conduct.”
Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights
Our “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights” is our statement of commitment to the principles of the “United Nations Global Compact” (UNGC) and other relevant guiding principles such as the “United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the conventions of the “International Labour Organization” (ILO) and the “OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.” We also observe country-specific regulations and official requirements. As a responsible company, tesa rejects any form of human rights violations and punishes any violations immediately. The tesa Executive Board is responsible for the implementation of and compliance with human rights.
The “Declaration of Principles on Upholding on Human Rights” addresses the material topics of freedom of association/collective bargaining, occupational health and safety, working conditions and especially working time, as well as equal pay for work of equal value.
A detailed description of the “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights” can be found in chapter “ESRS S2 — Workers in the Value Chain.”
HR Compliance Guideline
The “HR Compliance Guideline” provides a thorough overview of the main requirements placed on the HR department, employees and managers and forms the framework for ensuring that our company acts in accordance with ethical, legal and social standards. It is in line with the company’s Code of Conduct, which sets out the basic principles for our behavior and actions. By consistently implementing this Guideline and the Code of Conduct, tesa ensures that the highest standards of integrity and professionalism are maintained.
The guideline covers key areas such as anti-discrimination and harassment, labor law, recruitment, remuneration, and the handling of personal data. It also defines the procedures for reporting and penalizing violations of these standards. A key component is ongoing monitoring and risk assessment to ensure adherence to compliance requirements. The effectiveness and implementation of the Guideline is continuously reviewed by means of ongoing monitoring by the local and regional HR departments. Risk assessments are additionally carried out every three years by the headquarter in the regions in order to identify potential violations. Finally, the responsibilities within tesa are clearly defined in the “HR Compliance Guideline,” and it also addresses the material topics of training and skills development, equal pay for work of equal value and gender equality. The “HR Compliance Guideline” is accessible to all employees via our intranet.
tesa Policy on Occupational Safety and Health
At tesa, the management of occupational safety and health is a firmly established part of our corporate culture. Our internal management system is based on legal requirements and is largely based on our “tesa Policy on Occupational Safety and Health,” which was adopted in 2022.
The “tesa Policy on Occupational Safety and Health” covers six key areas:
- Crisis management
- Health care
- Risk assessment
- Accident prevention
- Fire and explosion prevention
- Facility safety
It forms the basis of our occupational safety measures, is supplemented by site-specific regulations and is accessible to all employees via our intranet. The policy addresses the material topic of health and safety and ensures that everyone is informed about their responsibilities in the workplace.
Continuous training and briefings for our employees are important components of our occupational safety program. By providing regular instruction, we raise awareness of potential hazards and enable our employees to avoid accidents and protect their health by acting responsibly. In order to continuously improve the effectiveness of our occupational safety management, we conduct an annual management review. This involves analyzing incidents together with the Occupational Safety department and introducing appropriate actions to improve safety and health protection.
In the course of our reporting, we found that we currently do not have global policies in place on certain topics, specifically on work-life balance. We are actively working to eliminate these gaps as part of a “Global Social Sustainability” program so that we can ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. tesa does, however, ensure that national laws are complied with, including with regard to work-life balance. However, there is currently no specific global policy that explicitly addresses this issue.
Processes for Enganging with own Workforce and Workers’ Representatives
Participation and involvement, along with transparency and engaging in a dialog as equals, are key success factors for a “we culture.” We involve all employees regarding the material positive and negative impacts through a variety of different formats. In the 2024 reporting year, these included two global town hall meetings that were broadcast worldwide, various functional and local town hall meetings and a total of four works meetings for Beiersdorf AG Hamburg (Consumer Business Segment). These events offer our employees the opportunity to contribute their views through open question and answer sessions. We use e-mails from our Executive Committee and our intranet to keep all employees – at global and local level – worldwide informed and involved. This dialog is designed to strengthen our “we culture” and also reflects our Core Value of Care.
Another important element of our corporate culture is the involvement of workers’ representatives. This allows us to incorporate the views of our workforce into our decision-making processes and activities as part of constructive and trust-based cooperation and to make and implement decisions on actual or potential impacts together. This applies equally across Europe, where another of our aims is to ensure compliance with all European requirements in the area of labor law and occupational safety in the various European legislative frameworks.
The perspectives of our own workforce are also reflected through the workers’ representatives on Beiersdorf AG’s Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board of Beiersdorf AG consists of twelve members, all of whom are elected for a term of five years. Six are elected by the Annual General Meeting (in accordance with the German Stock Corporation Act – AktG) and six are elected by the company’s employees (in accordance with the German Codetermination Act – MitbestG). The task of the Supervisory Board is to advise the Executive Board on the management of the company and to monitor its activities in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association and the rules of procedure. Its members are involved in decisions that are of fundamental importance to the company and it works closely with the Executive Board in the company’s best interests.
In addition to our multifaceted cooperation with workers’ representatives, we attach great importance to receiving individual feedback from each and every employee. In the fourth quarter of the reporting year, we conducted our annual “teampulse” engagement survey worldwide for the fourth time. This survey is aimed at all permanent employees as well as temporary employees who have been with the company for more than six months. To ensure the results could be compared with the previous years, we used the same core questions but made some new additions to address current topics such as decision making and communication. As in previous years, our employees were interested in sharing their feedback. One of the questions we ask as part of this survey is how far participants believe the results will lead to concrete action by the company. This question gives the company an implicit impression of whether the workforce feels represented in the company’s decisions and how the effectiveness of our cooperation with the workforce should be assessed.
To gain the perspectives of people in the workforce who may be particularly vulnerable to negative impacts on their wellbeing and/or to being marginalized, we have also included questions on diversity and inclusion in this engagement survey and provided free text fields so that they have the option to leave comments. We continuously invite employees to express their opinions on the intranet via our “Speak Up. We Care.” whistleblowing system.
Operational responsibility for incorporating the perspectives of our own workforce lies with Nicola D. Lafrentz, Member of the Executive Board, CHRO and Labor Relations Director for Germany. As part of our People Strategy, Nicola ensures that the views of employees are taken into account in company decisions.
tesa’s strong corporate culture is based on co-determination, openness and dialog on an equal footing. A crucial element of this is the active participation of our employees, which is ensured through the work of the works council. The works council plays an essential role in representing the interests of employees and enabling them to exert a direct influence on key business decisions. This is how we ensure that the voices and concerns of our workforce are firmly incorporated into our decision-making processes. Operational responsibility for involving our own workforce and ensuring that these results are incorporated into our policies lies with the chairs of the respective workers’ representation bodies.
We also promote a continuous exchange of information and ideas with all employees through global and local town hall events and regular works meetings. Three global town hall meetings and two works meetings have been held in 2024. The intranet and emails are also used to keep our employees around the world continuously informed. This dialog strengthens our sense of community and reflects our “Team-Up” People Value.
The perspectives of our own workforce are also reflected through the workers’ representative bodies on the tesa Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board of tesa SE consists of five members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting by all shareholders present and represented for a period of five years. The Chair of the Supervisory Board is appointed by the members of the Supervisory Board. The task of our Supervisory Board is to advise the Executive Board on the management of the company and to monitor its activities in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association and the rules of procedure. Its members are involved in decisions that are of fundamental importance to the company and it works closely with the Executive Board in the company’s best interests. Two of the five members of the Supervisory Board represent the employees.
At a global level, we attach great importance to creating a safe and non-discriminatory working environment for all employees. We are committed to consistent compliance with the provisions of labor law and occupational health and safety legislation. Within the EU, our workforce is represented by the European Works Council (EWC). In Germany, this covers the following affiliates: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH and tesa Manufacturing GmbH. The EWC also represents employees from various European countries, including: France, Italy (including the Comet SpA plant), the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. In addition, there is a Group Works Council (GWC) in Germany, to which each company sends two delegates from the respective local works council. Our GWC is composed of the following companies: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH and tesa Manufacturing GmbH. In addition, each of the above companies also sends two delegates to the Group Works Council of Beiersdorf AG.
David Paz, Head of HR and member of the Global Executive Committee (GEC), has operational responsibility for incorporating the perspectives of our workforce into company decisions. As part of the HR roadmap, which is valid until the end of 2025, he ensures that the perspectives of employees are incorporated into the strategic direction of tesa. The exchange with employee representatives and management supports balanced and sustainable decision-making.
There is currently no global framework agreement with the workers’ representatives on upholding the human rights of our workforce, as the tesa Code of Conduct and the “Declaration of Principles on Upholding Human Rights” are already binding policies for all managers and employees and ensure compliance with human rights.
Channels Through Which the Company’s Workforce Can Raise Concerns
Both business segments have established whistleblowing and reporting systems. The Consumer Business Segment has the “Speak up. We care.” platform, while the tesa Business Segment uses a whistleblower platform called “Your voice – Our bond.” These can be used to record any breaches of conduct that are unlawful or in conflict with internal company policies, anonymously if preferred.
A detailed description of the whistleblowing system can be found in the chapter “ESRS G1 — Business Conduct.”
Actions Related to the Company’s Own Workforce
Actions in Relation to Working Conditions
We know how important a healthy work-life balance and flexible working models are for the satisfaction and productivity of our employees. This is why we offer our employees the opportunity to choose between flexible working time models to suit their stage of life and individual needs.
Our flexible working time model with flexitime and options for working from home helps our employees to achieve an optimal balance between work and family life. We promote family-friendly working practices and attach particular importance to compliance with parental leave regulations and a smooth return to work. There is also a parent/child office at the Beiersdorf AG headquarters, which offers parents a flexible environment.
On top of this, we offer additional services such as a cleaning service, a restaurant and various mobility options to make everyday working life more convenient and healthy. Our aim is to create a working environment that takes both professional and personal needs into account and promotes satisfaction and productivity.
The regulations for flexible working time models and flexitime are agreed at the level of the national affiliates and are not currently subject to any global policy. Worldwide, we offered flexible working time in 86% of our affiliates, part-time working in 66% of our companies and the option of sabbatical leave in 49% of our affiliates at the end of the reporting year. We plan to standardize these regulations globally over the next ten years.
All measures described below contribute to achieving the goals and ambitions set out in our policies. The following actions were implemented in the 2024 reporting year:
Working time regulation
Description: The working time regulation at Beiersdorf AG and Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH is based on flexibility and trust. Employees can organize their working time flexibly within a certain framework and have the opportunity to freely choose their place of work, e.g. mobile or hybrid working by arrangement, if their tasks allow this. Employees are responsible for recording their own working time.
To promote cooperation, teams can specify service times during which their availability is guaranteed. Time off in lieu (flexitime) is possible by arrangement and can also be combined with vacation. The statutory regulations apply, with employees permitted to work a maximum of ten hours a day in exceptional cases. This regulation on flexible working is governed for Beiersdorf AG and Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH by works agreements which include topics like flexible working time and part-time working. In addition, the topic of trust-based working hours for our non-tariff employees in management group 4 of Beiersdorf AG is also described in a works agreement.
Scope: Beiersdorf AG, Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Regulation on flexible working time so that our employees can better reconcile professional and private needs and therefore work more productively.
Material topics addressed: Working time, work-life balance
Working time/flexible work location
Description: We offer our employees from Beiersdorf AG and Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH the opportunity to work one or two days a week from a different location (but in the same country).
Scope: Beiersdorf AG, Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: The action is intended to help employees achieve a better work-life balance and work more productively as a result.
Material topics addressed: Work-life balance
Job sharing
Description: In addition to part-time working and other flexible working arrangements, we offer a job sharing model where two employees take on the same position together as a job tandem. This job sharing model has been standard practice at our company for several years and also applies at the top management level (known as “top sharing”) or, via the “joint leadership” model, up to the middle management level. We also support the “senior meets junior” model, where employees from two generations share a job and learn from each other. This provides them the option for part-time study or a transition to partial retirement.
At the end of the reporting year, we had a total of 45 job-sharing tandems (previous year: 38). 27 tandems (previous year: 21) have personnel responsibility – part-time or full-time. Eight tandems are made up of people of different genders. Two tandems also work across borders – meaning the job sharing partners work in different countries. Our job sharing tandems are an example of balanced and diverse collaboration.
Scope: All German locations of Beiersdorf AG and currently 30% of global locations of Beiersdorf AG. We aim to further increase the proportion of participating subsidiaries over the next five years.
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: The action should help employees manage different jobs even if they are working fewer hours. We also see this as an important tool for strategic HR work and development.
Material topics addressed: Working time, work-life balance
Parental leavers programs
Description: In cooperation with the “MyCollective” start-up, we offer two global “Parental Leavers” programs. One is aimed specifically at managers entering parental leave, while the other is open to all employees currently on parental leave. Both programs are based on an online platform that enables employees on parental leave to stay connected during this phase if they wish, build a network, and take advantage of various training opportunities. The focus here is on providing the right tools to support their return to work in the best possible way.
Scope: All global locations of Beiersdorf AG
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: The action is intended to make it easier for employees to return to work after parental leave.
Material topics addressed: Work-life balance
Company kindergarten “TroploKids”
Description: In addition to the many flexible working arrangements on offer, we offer childcare facilities for the children of our employees in Hamburg through our company kindergarten “TroploKids.” In addition, places are also given to children from the neighborhood, which supports our Care strategy.
Scope: All Hamburg locations of Beiersdorf AG
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Our aim with this action is to offer employees in Hamburg childcare options for their children and at the same time strengthen our social responsibility by opening up to the neighborhood.
Material topics addressed: Work-life balance
Beiersdorf health management
Description: The aim of the Beiersdorf health management is to sustainably promote the health and well-being of all employees. The program relies on preventive measures to reduce stress, strengthen individual resources and create a healthy working environment in the long term. Offers on ergonomic workplace design, exercise and nutrition, regular check-ups, social counseling and psychological counseling are intended to support employees in their physical and mental health. All company health management offers can be viewed via intranet.
Scope: All Hamburg locations of Beiersdorf AG
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Greater resilience among employees and long-term health promotion.
Material topics addressed: Health and safety
Freedom of association & collective agreement coverage
Description: Beiersdorf is a member of the collective bargaining association for the chemical industry, which means the provisions of the collective agreement are binding for all employees employed under collective agreements, provided that their employment contracts refer to the collective agreement or parts of it. The salary concerns of non-tariff employees in management groups 4 – 5 are collectively regulated under labor law in company agreements in the respective German Beiersdorf companies. In order to take current requirements into account, the employment contract templates at Beiersdorf are regularly revised.
Scope: All German Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Beiersdorf offers a transparent and reliable structure for working and remuneration conditions.
Material topics addressed: Collective bargaining
Social dialog in the German affiliates
Description: Social dialog at national level is regulated by a voluntary works agreement. The works agreement contains regulations on the creation of a joint body consisting of company management representatives and workers’ representatives from the respective nationally elected workers’ representative bodies or recognized workers’ representative bodies. Regular meetings are held to exchange information between the workers’ representatives, the Labor Relations Director and other management representatives.
Scope: All German Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Promotion of dialog between representatives of the employer and the workforce on social policy issues as well as joint agreements reached.
Material topics addressed: Social dialog
Social dialogue in the European area
Description: Within the scope of the European Union, our employees are represented by the European Works Council. Social dialogue at European level is regulated by a voluntary works agreement. The works agreement contains regulations on the creation of a joint body consisting of company management representatives and workers’ representatives from the respective nationally elected workers’ representative bodies or recognized workers’ representative bodies. Regular meetings are held to exchange information between the workers’ representatives, the Labor Relations Director and other management representatives.
Scope: All Beiersdorf AG locations in the member states of the European Union and the signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Promotion of dialog between representatives of the employer and the workforce on social policy issues as well as joint agreements reached.
Material topics addressed: Social dialog
Further development of our safety management system
Description: In the Consumer Business Segment, we developed a new internal auditing program that was piloted at two production sites. In addition, we have defined “Life Saving Rules” to create a safe working environment and educate our employees about the topic of safety. These rules will be rolled out at the various locations.
Scope: All global production sites and self-operated logistics sites
Time horizon: 2024–2025
Expected outcome: Increased safety awareness of the potentially high safety risks and thus a reduction in serious incidents and injuries in the work environment.
Material topics addressed: Health and safety
Our flexible working time model with flexitime and options for working from home helps our employees to achieve an optimal balance between work and family life. We promote family-friendly working practices and attach particular importance to compliance with parental leave regulations and a smooth return to work. There is also a parent/child office at the tesa headquarters, which offers parents a flexible environment.
At tesa SE, we also offer additional services such as a cleaning service, weekly market stalls with regional products, and various mobility options to make everyday working life more convenient and healthy. Our aim is to create a working environment that takes both professional and personal needs into account and promotes satisfaction and productivity.
Working time regulation
Description: The working time regulation at tesa is based on flexibility and trust. Employees can organize their working time flexibly within a certain framework and have the opportunity to freely choose their place of work, e.g. mobile or hybrid working, by arrangement, if their tasks allow this. Employees are responsible for recording their own working time.
To promote cooperation, teams can specify service times during which their availability is guaranteed. Time off in lieu (flexitime) is possible by arrangement and can also be combined with vacation. The statutory regulations apply, with employees permitted to work a maximum of ten hours a day in exceptional cases. This regulation on flexible working only applies to tesa SE and is governed by works agreement BV t-35. In our German production facilities, we enable all non-commercial employees to have flexible working hours. Flexible working is also partly possible in our foreign companies. Since the exact scope is not currently recorded, we are working on a reporting structure to create an overview and take the corresponding figures into account in the next reporting.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Regulation on flexible working time
Material topics addressed: Working time, work-life balance
Mobile working
Description: tesa enables employees to work remotely through a works agreement that promotes flexibility and personal responsibility and is aimed at transforming the culture. Mobile working is flexible in terms of hours and days and must be coordinated with the team and manager, with priority given to team needs and requirements for on-site attendance. During mobile working, employees must ensure that they are professionally available and adhere to clear team agreements on availability and avoidance of working time restrictions. Statutory accident insurance cover is also available to employees carrying out professional activities as part of mobile working. This regulation on mobile working only applies to tesa SE and is governed by works agreement BV t-35a. In our German production facilities, we enable all non-commercial employees to have flexible working hours. Mobile working is also partially possible in our foreign companies. Since the exact scope is not currently recorded, we are working on a reporting structure to create an overview and take the corresponding figures into account in the next reporting.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Regulation on enabling and implementing mobile working.
Material topics addressed: Working time, work-life balance, health and safety
Freedom of association & collective bargaining coverage
Description: tesa is a member of the collective bargaining association for the chemical industry, which means that the provisions of the collective agreement are binding for all pay-scale employees, provided their employment contracts refer to the collective agreement or parts thereof. This regulation applies to both pay-scale and non-pay-scale employees. Non-pay-scale employees in management groups 3 – 5 are also covered by Group works agreement KBV-t-79. This agreement governs salary management for non-pay-scale employees and ensures that their remuneration is in line with the requirements of the collective agreement.
To take current requirements into account, the employment contract templates at tesa are regularly revised. In addition to the collectively agreed and contractual regulations, a company practice has developed in other areas of working conditions and has become firmly established in the processes and agreements.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: tesa offers a transparent and reliable structure for working and remuneration conditions.
Material topics addressed: Collective bargaining
Social dialog in the German affiliates
Description: At national level, social dialogue is regulated by our Group Works Council, to which each company sends two delegates. The Group Works Council of tesa SE discusses and negotiates Group-wide issues in Germany, primarily general personnel and remuneration regulations.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Promotion of dialogue between representatives of the employer and the workforce on social policy issues as well as joint agreements reached.
Material topics addressed: Social dialog
Social dialogue in the European area
Description: When tesa SE (Societas Europaea) was founded, an agreement was reached under European law to establish a European Works Council (EWC). The EWC represents the interests of employees within the European Union and the European Economic Area. The main task of the EWC is to ensure a regular exchange of information between management and workers’ representatives as part of their right to information. In addition, the EWC elects the two workers’ representatives for the Supervisory Board of tesa SE from among its members. The election period of the EWC is aligned with the term of office of the Supervisory Board. The members of the EWC are delegated from the works councils of those companies with a works council.
Scope: The agreement applies to tesa SE and its dependent companies in the member states of the European Union and the signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the tesa nie wieder bohren GmbH is excluded from this.
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Promotion of dialog between representatives of the employer and the workforce, in particular on the exercise of rights to information and the election of workers’ representatives to the Supervisory Board.
Material topics addressed: Social dialog
Harmonization of safety management at tesa
Description: tesa has begun introducing software to improve performance in various safety areas, including reporting, integrated management system and monitoring processes. The software facilitates seamless processes across departments and sites, making overall safety management more efficient. Following a pilot phase at two production sites in 2024, there are plans for full implementation at all sites by 2025. The software makes it easier to record, analyze and standardize safety-related issues. Its introduction will not only help us modernize our technology, but also support the strategic improvement of our safety policies. The aim is to create a safer working environment for all employees.
Scope: tesa global
Time horizon: 2025
Expected outcome: Increased transparency within the organization, improved communication on safety topics, optimized control of the safety management system and reduction in the number of accidents.
Material topics addressed: Health and safety
Local safety initiatives
Description: As part of our continuous improvement process, our production sites and headquarters have developed initiatives to drive forward necessary improvements in various areas.
Scope: All production sites worldwide and headquarters
Time horizon: 2024
Expected outcome: These initiatives include concrete actions to improve internal management in the area of occupational health and safety and to support tesa in achieving its strategic goals.
Material topics addressed: Occupational health and safety
tesa health management program
Description: The goal of tesa’s health management program is to sustainably promote the health and well-being of all employees. The program focuses on preventive measures to reduce stress, strengthen individual resources and create a healthy working environment in the long term. Offerings such as ergonomic workplace design, exercise and nutritional programs, regular check-ups, social counseling and psychological counseling are designed to support employees with their physical and mental health. Everything offered by the company health management program can be viewed via intranet.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Increased employee resilience and long-term promotion of health.
Material topics addressed: Health and safety
Actions related to Equal Treatment and Opportunities for all
To promote our corporate culture, we focus on: training and skills development as part of our “Global DE&I Knowledge Framework,” event offerings and the establishment and promotion of employee resource groups that work with the DE&I team to focus on the needs and interests of different minorities.
Representative body for people with severe disabilities
Description: The Beiersdorf AG representative body for people with severe disabilities represents the interests of employees with severe disabilities and equivalent status as well as those at risk of disability. Its main task is to promote their participation in working life, provide support and actively represent them in company actions and initiatives. Information on our representative body for people with severe disabilities can be found via our internal intranet.
Scope: All German Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Better integration of employees with severe disabilities and equivalent status into everyday working life.
Material topics addressed: Equal treatment and opportunities for all
Training and skills development
Description: Our “Global DE&I Knowledge Framework” provides our employees with training on the topic of diversity in various formats. The “Global DE&I Essentials Journey” training program uses a special “train-the-trainer” concept to provide middle managers with a sustainable bedrock of DE&I knowledge as part of our largest learning initiative and strengthens the inclusive leadership of teams.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Until December 31, 2025
Expected outcome: We want to use the “Knowledge Framework” to promote a more inclusive corporate culture that enriches us with different perspectives, making us more innovative. By training middle management, we expect to promote a team culture in the long term in which everyone feels respected and able to express their authentic personality.
Material topics addressed: Diversity, training and skills development
Information events with a focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Description: We offer various events on the topic of diversity. Events in the reporting year included:
- Keynote speech for Black History Month by Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing, winner of the Germany Diversity Award 2023, on anti-racism and discrimination
- Keynote speech for IWD 2024 by Dan Guinness, which highlighted the divided perspectives of Generation Z on the topic of gender.
- On the occasion of political discussions, a fireplace chat took place under the title “Taking a Stance – Values in Times of Crisis Now and Then.” In the discussion with Dan Unger, the great-grandson of our first chairman Willy Jacobson, attitude issues from the past 142 years as well as our position against extremism and racism were discussed.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: We use keynote speeches to broaden the knowledge horizons of our employees and promote a culture of diversity and openness.
Material topics addressed: Diversity, training and skills development
Employee communities and grassroots initiatives
Description: With the establishment of the new employee community “ability” for employees with disabilities in 2024, we now have a total of seven employee communities that are active in the areas of LGBTIQ+1, gender diversity, generations, fathers, and cultural diversity in the workplace. The DE&I team regularly interacts with the various communities, which offer trainings and events, among other things. These include:
- “Be You” – the LGBTIQ+ community, which aims to raise awareness of LGBTIQ+ issues and create an even more inclusive environment.
- “#SisterhoodisPower” – the grassroots community where women empower each other in their careers.
- “LEAD NETWORK Community” – a group of Beiersdorfers who belong to the Europe-wide “LEAD Network” and aim to drive gender parity across Europe together with employees at other companies.
- “New Generation 50+” – a network representing the interests of the older generation.
- “WEnited” – a group of international staff who aim to promote dialog and cohesion between international coworkers.
- “dad.icated” – a community of fathers, fathers-to-be, and allies, to encourage making their own idea of life as a father a reality.
Scope: All Beiersdorf AG sites in Hamburg
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Our employee communities and grassroots initiatives made a contribution to promoting an inclusive “we culture” in the reporting year. They ensure that our employees’ voices are heard and that their different needs are incorporated into our DE&I strategy.
Material topics addressed: Diversity, training and skills development
Educational measures on diversity in management positions
Description: We use specific educational measures to encourage discussions on diversity in management positions worldwide; the following actions in the reporting year are particularly worth highlighting:
- For International Women’s Day on March 8, we focused on the campaign theme #InspireInclusion in 2024. During a global and hybrid event, we used various sessions and testimonials to convey how important it is to create a better, more inclusive world for women and for all of us.
- The eighth “Wo*Men in Leadership Convention,” which took place on November 12, 2024 and was aimed at all employees worldwide, offered a platform for dialog. Under the motto “Winning with Gender Parity,” the program comprised various keynotes, “change-making” sessions, and interactive master classes. A speed-dating format also enabled attendees to talk directly to our Executive Committee and various managers from the most senior level. For the first time, there were also local sessions in various regions (e.g., Dubai, Eastern Europe, Brazil, and North America), giving the convention an international focus. The overarching message of the event was: “To be successful, we promote equality and inclusion. Diversity is crucial to us and together we inspire transformative change for an inclusive work environment and society.” Some 350 colleagues attended the event in person in the auditorium, with over 1,200 employees following via the livestream.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: We use regular information events and discussion formats to broaden our employees’ knowledge horizons and promote a culture of diversity and openness.
Material topics addressed: Diversity, training and skills development
Female Talent Program
Description: In the reporting year, we continued the “Female Talent Program” in cooperation with “Shape Talent,” a London-based company. A third cohort completed the “Female Leadership in Finance” program in 2024 while the “StrongHER” supply chain program saw its first cohort of successful graduates.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: These actions are designed to promote gender equality and break down barriers so that women can realize their full potential.
Material topics addressed: Gender equality
Equal pay analysis
Description: At Beiersdorf, we are committed to equal pay and consider it a cornerstone of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy. To identify pay gaps and understand their causes, we launched an equal pay analysis in selected pilot countries/companies in 2023, which we expanded further in 2024. We aim to carry out the analysis for all companies in 2025.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites including the sites of our brand La Prairie
Time horizon: Until December 31, 2025
Expected outcome: Achieving transparency over wage differences
Material topics addressed: Gender equality and equal pay for work of equal value
Talent Processes
Description: The Beiersdorf Talent Processes are a central component of talent management and take place annually. With the support of the HR department, management teams calibrate the potential levels and development opportunities of all employees. The goal is to develop all employees, identify talents and potential leaders, create tailored development plans, and plan succession scenarios for key positions. Through the Talent Processes, we aim to identify talents, build strong and measurable talent pipelines and pools, support and challenge our talents, provide them with calibrated feedback and a solid foundation for their further professional and personal development, and foster a performanceoriented corporate culture.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Identification of talents, determination of development steps for each employee, and establishment of succession planning for key positions
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
Performance Management
Description: The purpose of the Performance Management process is to foster a constructive dialogue between employees and their direct supervisors to create an environment that supports both performance and personal growth. A reliable and trustworthy communication culture is based on transparent and comprehensible feedback. The skills of our employees form the foundation on which both individual development and corporate strategies can thrive. For successful further development, continuous feedback on one’s own performance and behavior, as well as a realistic assessment of available development and growth opportunities, are essential. At Beiersdorf AG and its German subsidiaries, performance management is regulated through the respective company agreements.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Development of a sustainable feedback culture and further development of employees
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
Training Programs
Description: All employees are required to participate in training sessions on compliance topics such as data protection, anti-discrimination, prevention of harassment, child labor, forced labor, and ethical conduct. Training materials are regularly updated to reflect changes in laws, policies, and business practices. Attendance lists, recording dates and topics, are maintained to ensure compliance with regulations and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. In addition to compliance training, voluntary programs are also available, such as training on occupational safety, leadership skills, and intercultural communication. These programs aim to enhance employees’ professional and social skills and support a responsible corporate culture. Furthermore, special training sessions on topics such as innovation management and digital competencies are regularly offered to prepare employees for the challenges of an ever-changing work environment.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Training and competency development of our employees
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
Education and Talent Development
Description: Beiersdorf offers comprehensive training programs to ensure highly qualified professionals in both technical and commercial fields. At the Hamburg site, training is provided for technical professions such as industrial clerk, clerk for digitalization management, IT specialist, chemical laboratory technician, chemical technician, and mechatronics technician.
Scope: All German Beiersdorf AG sites
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Training of skilled workers and talent development
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
In the course of our reporting, we found that we do not currently have any global actions on specific topics, in particular working time, social dialogue, collective agreements and freedom of association. This is due to the ongoing development of corresponding global programs and initiatives, which are currently being implemented primarily at local or regional level. For example, we have concluded extensive catalogs of measures (works agreements) with the German works councils to improve working conditions. We are actively working on closing these gaps over the next ten years in order to ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. Beiersdorf nevertheless ensures that the minimum standards in these areas are met in accordance with national laws. Responsibility for this lies with local and regional HR managers.
Different perspectives help us better understand the needs of our customers while simultaneously enhancing the innovative spirit of tesa. This is why our HR departments and managers around the world attach great importance to preventing discrimination of any kind. We are committed to diversity and equal opportunities in all aspects of the company.
We also support programs for the integration of disadvantaged groups. In our headquarter in Norderstedt, we work together with “Elbe Nord,” a company that trains and employs people with disabilities.
Representative body for people with severe disabilities
Description: tesa SE’s representative body for people with severe disabilities represents the interests of employees with severe disabilities and equivalent status as well as those at risk of disability. Its main task is to promote their participation in working life, provide support and actively represent them in company actions and initiatives. Information on our representative body for people with severe disabilities can be found via our intranet.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Manufacturing GmbH
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Better integration of employees with severe disabilities and equivalent status into everyday working life.
Material topics addressed: Equal treatment and opportunities for all
Talent Review Process
Description: The tesa “Talent Review Process” is a key component of our talent management activities and takes place annually. With the support of the HR department, management teams calibrate assessments of their employees’ performance and potential. The aim is to identify talented individuals and potential managers, create tailored development plans and plan succession scenarios for key positions. Through the “Talent Review Process,” we endeavor to identify talent, build strong and measurable talent pipelines and pools, promote and challenge talent, provide them with calibrated feedback and a solid foundation for their development and foster a performance-oriented corporate culture.
Scope: Global, Business Segment tesa
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Identification of talent, definition of development steps for each employee and succession planning for key positions.
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
tesa Performance Management (tPM)
Description: The purpose of the tPM (“tesa Performance Management”) system is to promote a constructive dialog between employees and their direct supervisors in order to create an environment that supports both performance and personal growth. A reliable and trusting culture of discussion is based on transparent and comprehensible feedback. The skills and potential of our employees form the basis on which both individual development and business strategies can flourish. Continuous feedback on personal performance and behavior as well as a realistic assessment of available development and growth opportunities are essential if employees are to develop successfully. The tPM system is governed by Group works agreement KBV t-74.
Scope: Global, Business Segment tesa
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Development of a sustainable feedback culture and employee development.
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
tesa Competencies Review (tCR)
Description: The “tesa Competencies Review” (tCR) comprises a 2.5-day Development Center component and a subsequent Learning Journey. Participation in the tCR is by nomination as part of the annual Talent Review and its aim is to provide participants with a targeted analysis of their strengths and areas for development in work-related situations. After completing the tCR, participants receive detailed feedback and work out specific development measures together with their supervisors, the HR department and tCR colleagues. These actions are recorded in a “Development Action Plan” (DAP) and serve as the basis for further professional development. The expected outcome is an in-depth insight into personal strengths and areas for improvement, the validation of potential for future career steps and the expansion of participants’ self-reflection skills.
Scope: Global, tesa Business Segment
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Creation and definition of a “Development Action Plan.”
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
Training programs
Description: All employees are required to participate in compliance training on topics such as data privacy, anti-discrimination, prevention of harassment, child labor, forced labor and ethical conduct. Training materials are updated regularly to reflect changes in laws, policies and business practices. Attendance records, including dates and topics, are documented to demonstrate adherence to the regulations and to monitor the effectiveness of the training. In addition to compliance training, other voluntary programs are offered, such as training on occupational safety, leadership skills, intercultural communication, conflict management and sustainable business practices. These programs are designed to develop employees’ professional and social skills and promote a responsible corporate culture. Special training courses on topics such as innovation management and digital skills are also offered regularly to prepare employees for the challenges of a constantly changing working world.
Scope: Global, tesa Business Segment
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Training and skills development of our employees.
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
Training and promotion of young talent
Description: tesa offers comprehensive training programs and dual degree programs to secure highly qualified specialists in technical and commercial fields. At the Norderstedt, Hamburg-Harburg and Offenburg sites, training in technical professions is offered, with courses available for chemical laboratory technicians, chemical technicians, electronics technicians for industrial engineering, industrial mechanics, machine and plant operators and mechatronics technicians. We also offer dual degree programs in Business Administration, Data Science, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Digital Business Management at our sites in Norderstedt and Offenburg.
Scope: tesa SE, tesa Werk Hamburg GmbH, tesa Werk Offenburg
Time horizon: Ongoing
Expected outcome: Training of specialists and promotion of young talent.
Material topics addressed: Training and skills development
In the course of our reporting, we found that we do not currently have actions on certain topics, in particular gender equality and equal pay for equal work. This is due to the ongoing development of corresponding programs and initiatives. We are actively working to eliminate these gaps as part of a global “Social Sustainability” program to ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. However, we are already working to meet these requirements as part of our CSRD reporting. To this end, we will carry out a global gender pay gap analysis and take appropriate action based on the results.
Targets Related to the Company’s Own Workforce
Targets in Relation to Working Conditions
Occupational safety target: No accidents
Description: Our strategic objective is to reduce the number of occupational accidents and work-related ill health as well as excessive physical and psychological stress factors to zero.
Relationship to policies: This target is intended to help us implement our “Safety & Health Policy” and promote our health protection activities.
Base year and baseline: N/A, annual target achievement
Scope: All global locations of Consumer Business Segment (production centers and offices) including self-operated logistic centers
Progress: In the production and logistic centers, the “Recordable Incident Rate” (RIR) in 2024 was 2.46 accidents per million working hours. The overall RIR in 2024 including the offices was 2.42 accidents per million working hours. This rate includes all injuries resulting in lost time as well as cases of work restrictions and medical treatment over and above first aid.
Monitoring the target: We monitor progress using the overall “Recordable Incident Rate” (RIR). These are tracked annually.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: The employees at the production and logistics centers were involved via the local SHE managers (Security, Health & Environment) in setting the target.
In the course of our reporting, we found that we currently have no global targets on specific topics, in particular working time, work-life balance, social dialog, collective bargaining agreements, and freedom of association. This is due to the ongoing development of corresponding global programs and initiatives, which are currently being implemented primarily at local or regional level. For example, we have entered into extensive agreements on targets for improving working conditions as part of works agreements with the German works councils. We are actively working on closing these gaps over the next ten years in order to ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. Beiersdorf nevertheless ensures that the minimum standards in these areas are met in accordance with national laws. Responsibility for this lies with local and regional HR managers.
The well-being of our employees is of the utmost importance to us, and we have a responsibility to promote and maintain it in the long term. This concern not only strengthens our corporate culture, but also makes us more attractive to talent and sets us apart from our competitors. As a global company, we are committed to creating comparable working conditions and adapting them to local and national conditions worldwide.
Occupational safety target: Vision Zero
Description: tesa aims for continuous improvement with the ultimate target of zero workplace accidents while maximizing effectiveness and efficiency.
Relationship to policies/strategies: This target is intended to help with our implementation of the tesa “Occupational Health and Safety Policy.”
Base year and baseline: N/A
Scope: Global, tesa business segment
Progress: Our accident frequency rate (AFR) documents all accidents at work that result in at least one day’s absence from work. At tesa, the AFR in 2024 was 3.3 accidents per million working hours. The AFR is a synonym for the number of reportable occupational accidents required by the ERSR standard and therefore corresponds to the definition.
Monitoring the target: We monitor progress using the AFR. This is tracked annually.
Material topics addressed: Health and safety
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
In the course of our reporting, we found that we currently have no targets on specific topics, in particular working time, work-life balance, social dialog, collective bargaining agreements, and freedom of association. This is due to the ongoing development of corresponding programs and initiatives. We are actively working to eliminate these gaps as part of a global “Social Sustainability” program to ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. tesa ensures, however, that the minimum standards in these areas are met in accordance with national laws. Responsibility for this lies with local and regional HR managers.
Targets in Relation to Equal Treatment and Opportunities for All
Beiersdorf Gender Parity Ambition (management levels 1-4)
Description: By 2025, we wanted to achieve a 50:50 gender balance in management positions (management levels 1-4) in the Consumer Business Segment worldwide.
Relationship to policies/strategies: Our aim with this target is to contribute to our “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roadmap” and promote equal opportunities within the company.
Base year and baseline: 2020; in 2020, the gender balance of all management positions (management levels 1-4) worldwide was 45.5% at the end of the year.
Scope: All global Beiersdorf AG sites
Progress: Gender parity was achieved ahead of schedule: as of September 2023, 50.3% of leadership positions worldwide were held by women. At the end of the 2024 reporting year, the value remained constant at 51.9%.
Monitoring the target: The metrics are collected every six months at global, regional and functional level and shared with the Executive Board. HR business partners and managers develop specific actions based on this data.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
Representation of women in top management
Description: In addition to our global “Gender Parity Ambition,” in Germany we are bound by the legal regulations on the equal participation of men and women in leadership positions. In accordance with §76 Paragraph 4 AktG, the Executive Board has set binding targets for Beiersdorf AG to increase the proportion of women for the two management levels below the Executive Board, which must be achieved by the end of 2026. We are also subject to the statutory obligation of a minimum proportion of at least 30% women and men on the Supervisory Board and at least one woman on the Executive Board. Based on this, the Supervisory Board has set a voluntary target of 30% for the proportion of women on the Executive Board.
- Executive Board: at least 30% proportion of women
- First management level: at least 35% proportion of women by December 31, 2026
- Second management level: at least 50% proportion of women by December 31, 2026
- Supervisory Board: at least 30% proportion of women
Relationship to policies/strategies: Our aim with this target is to contribute to our “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roadmap” and promote equal opportunities within the company.
Base year and baseline: 2022 and 2023; in 2022, the proportion of women on the Executive Board was 38%, in the first management level 31% and in the second management level 48%. In 2023, the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board was 41.7%.
Scope: Beiersdorf AG
Progress: We have already achieved three quarters of our targets in the reporting year. We will probably reach the missing quarter on time as well. The target variables mentioned above are contrasted by the following actual figures:
- Executive Board: 42.9%
- First management level: 43.9%
- Second management level: 46.8%
- Supervisory Board: 58.3%
Monitoring the target: The metrics are collected every six months at global, regional and functional level and shared with the Executive Board. HR business partners and managers develop specific actions based on this data.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
Equal pay
Description: Our goal is to achieve the “Universal Fair Pay Leader” certification by 2026. The internationally recognized certification process is a reliable guide through the complex jungle of certifications and is an effective control, management and communication tool for the implementation of equal opportunities and equality in companies and organizations. In Germany, the certification is awarded by the “UNIVERSAL FAIR PAY CHECK®.”
Relationship to policies/strategies: Our aim with this target is to contribute to our “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roadmap” and promote equal opportunities within the company.
Base year and baseline: 2024; at the end of the reporting year, there was a 0.98% adjusted pay gap in favor of male employees. The assessment was conducted in 50 countries, covering around 70% of our global workforce. The assessment will be expanded to the entire workforce in 2025.
Scope: All global locations of Beiersdorf AG including the locations of our brands La Prairie and Chantecaille
Progress: We expect to achieve this target in 2026. To achieve this, we must keep our adjusted pay gap at up to 1% and our unadjusted pay gap at up to 10%.
Monitoring the target: The metrics are collected annually at global, regional and functional level and submitted to our external certification partner. HR business partners and managers use this data to develop specific actions to eliminate inequality.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
Training and skills development
Description: We want to use our “Global DE&I Knowledge Framework” to provide our employees with training on the topic of diversity in various formats. The “Global DE&I Essentials Journey” training program uses a special train-the-trainer concept to provide around 80% of or 3,000 global middle managers with a sustainable foundation of DE&I knowledge by 2025 as part of Beiersdorf’s largest learning initiative and strengthens the inclusive management of teams. We also offer “Choosing Our Words With Care”, an open training program on inclusive language.
Relationship to policies: Our aim with this target is to contribute to our “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roadmap” and further develop our managers.
Base year and baseline: 2024; at the end of the reporting year, the number of managers trained was estimated 40%, based on the number of cohorts conducted and the planned number of participants.
Scope: All global locations of Beiersdorf AG
Progress: We expect to achieve this goal by December 31, 2025.
Monitoring the target: The metrics are continuously collected at global, regional and functional level via the attendance lists for training sessions.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
Our goal at tesa is to create a working environment in which all employees have equal opportunities. We endeavor specifically to promote diversity and inclusion in order to enhance our innovative capacity and better understand the needs of our customers.
Increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions
Description: We have set ourselves the target of having women account for 30% of positions at the first level below the Executive Board and 35% of positions at the second level within tesa SE by mid-2027. The collection of this number is not a metric required by the ESRS standard and therefore does not correspond to the metric information for S1-9 diversity information.
Base year and baseline: N/A
Scope: tesa SE
Progress: The progress is continuously monitored and reviewed. At present, the percentage of women at the first level is 7.14% and at the second levels 22.62%.
Monitoring the target: Annual survey and analysis of gender diversity at the relevant management levels
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target. The target is based on international guidelines on gender equality, in particular the requirements of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) in Germany and the EU Equal Treatment Directive (Directive 2006/54/EC).
tesa Performance Management (tPM)
Description: Standardized employee performance reviews at all tesa sites worldwide are designed to strengthen the feedback culture and promote a reliable culture of discussion. We aim to achieve this through long-term, honest and respectful discussions between employees and managers, focusing not only on mutual feedback regarding the previous period but also on the further development of employees. Every employee worldwide who is eligible should also have a development meeting.
Relationship to policies: This target is intended to help with the implementation of KBV t-74.
Base year and baseline: N/A
Scope: Global, tesa Business Segment
Progress: The target is continuously tracked and monitored. In 2024, 79% of employees in our headquarter who were eligible for a feedback meeting received one. A reporting system will be introduced in 2025 so that this data can be reported worldwide from 2025.
Monitoring the target: Annual survey and analysis of the number of employees who have had a feedback meeting.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
Training and skills development
Description: Global mandatory training serves to ensure that all eligible employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet company-wide standards and regulatory requirements. The training courses can be completed via our learning hub and are not aimed at commercial employees. Mandatory training includes:
- “Anti Corruption”: Raising awareness and preventing corruption
- “Antitrust Compliance”: Promoting a behaviour in line with competition
- “Code of Conduct”: Communicating standards of behavior and corporate values
- “Cyber Security”: Increasing awareness of IT security and protection against cyber threats
- “Data Privacy”: Ensuring understanding of how personal data is handled
- “Global Procurement”: Training on procurement policies and processes
- “Sustainability Program”: Promoting knowledge and commitment in the area of sustainability
- “PME@tesa”: Developing project management skills
These training courses contribute to the further training of employees and support compliance requirements.
Relationship to policies: HR-Compliance Guideline/Trainings
Base year and baseline: N/A
Scope: Global, tesa Business Segment
Progress: The key figures are continuously collected at both global and regional levels through training participation lists. At the end of the reporting year, the following participation rates in the mandatory training courses were achieved: “Anti Corruption”: 98.38%, “Antitrust Compliance”: 98.73%, “Code of Conduct”: 95.60%, “Cyber Security”: 99.45%, “Data Privacy”: 97.50%, “Global Procurement”: 78.88%, “Sustainability Program”: 95.10%, “PME@tesa”: 80.4%.
Monitoring the target: The target is monitored by analyzing participation rates.
Stakeholder involvement in target setting: No stakeholders were involved in setting the target.
In the course of our reporting, we found that we do not currently have targets for certain topics, in particular equal pay for work of equal value. This is due to the ongoing development of corresponding programs and initiatives. We are actively working to eliminate these gaps as part of a global “Social Sustainability” program to ensure comprehensive reporting in the future. tesa ensures, however, that the minimum standards in these areas are met in accordance with national laws. Responsibility for this lies with local and regional HR managers.
Metrics Related to the Company’s Own Workforce
The collection of key figures related to the company’s workforce includes both Beiersdorf brands and the brands La Prairie and Chantecaille in the Consumer Business Segment. The joint venture NIVEA-Kao in Japan is not included in this. Unlike in the management report, the key figures presented here exclude interns.
Characteristics of the company’s employees
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Male |
Headcount |
7,656 |
3,473 |
11,129 |
Female |
Headcount |
9,640 |
1,906 |
11,546 |
Other |
Headcount |
3 |
— |
3 |
Total employees |
Headcount |
17,299 |
5,379 |
22,678 |
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Number of employees who have left the company |
Headcount |
2,625 |
648 |
3,273 |
Turnover rate |
% |
15 |
12 |
14 |
Male |
Female |
Other |
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Total |
Number of employees |
Headcount |
7,656 |
3,473 |
11,129 |
9,640 |
1,906 |
11,546 |
3 |
— |
3 |
22,678 |
Number of permanent employees |
Headcount |
7,018 |
2,855 |
9,873 |
8,826 |
1,579 |
10,405 |
2 |
— |
2 |
20,280 |
Number of temporary employees |
Headcount |
637 |
618 |
1,255 |
786 |
327 |
1,113 |
1 |
— |
1 |
2,369 |
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees |
Headcount |
1 |
— |
1 |
28 |
— |
28 |
— |
— |
— |
29 |
Number of full-time employees |
Headcount |
7,537 |
3,366 |
10,903 |
8,569 |
1,594 |
10,163 |
3 |
— |
3 |
21,069 |
Number of part-time employees |
Headcount |
119 |
107 |
226 |
1,071 |
312 |
1,383 |
— |
— |
— |
1,609 |
Diversity metrics
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Number of female employees at the top management level |
Number |
194 |
22 |
216 |
Percentage of female employees at the top management level |
% |
46 |
18 |
40 |
Number of male employees at the top management level |
Number |
227 |
104 |
331 |
Percentage of male employees at the top management level |
% |
54 |
82 |
60 |
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Number of employees under 30 years of age |
Number |
3,072 |
764 |
3,836 |
Percentage of employees under 30 years of age |
% |
18 |
14 |
17 |
Number of employees between 30 and 50 years of age |
Number |
11,365 |
3,445 |
14,810 |
Percentage of employees between 30 and 50 years of age |
% |
66 |
64 |
65 |
Number of employees over 50 years of age |
Number |
2,862 |
1,170 |
4,032 |
Percentage of employees over 50 years of age |
% |
16 |
22 |
18 |
Health and safety metrics
Unit |
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
Percentage of the company’s workforce covered by the company’s health and safety management system |
% |
29 |
59 |
36 |
Number of deaths from work-related injuries |
Number |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Number of deaths from work-related ill-health |
Number |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Number of recordable accidents at work1 |
Number |
78 |
31 |
109 |
Rate of recordable accidents at work1 |
Number/million working hours |
2.4 |
3.3 |
2.6 |
For the Consumer Business Segment, the accident rates and working hours for the production and logistics locations are evaluated monthly using the “Quentic” safety management system; the reportable accidents are recorded directly when the accident occurs. Accidents and working hours are recorded annually for the office locations; the working hours are subject to an estimate based on contractual working hours per full-time equivalent. The data collection includes interns; it does not include Chantecaille. The uncertainty in data collection primarily concerns the underlying working hours and accident surveys at our office locations. The accident-related data is checked as part of our audits at the locations, however it is not validated by a third party.
For the tesa Business Segment, the accident rates and working hours at the production sites are collected monthly via the “SoFi” database. Accidents and working hours are recorded annually for the office locations. The working hours are subject to a calculation based on the average contractual working hours per full-time equivalent. The uncertainty in data collection essentially relates to the underlying working hours and incorrect accident recordings.
From 2025, accident data will be collected in the “Quentic” safety management system.
Remuneration metrics
We analyzed the salaries of around 17,000 of our employees, which corresponds to around 75% of our workforce as of end of the reporting year. The calculation is based on the target salaries for 2024, which were determined after the announcement of the company bonus in April 2024. The unadjusted difference in annual target remuneration is 1.09% (in favor of men).
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
1.72 |
8.84 |
1.09 |
The ratio of the annual target remuneration of the highest-paid individual to the median annual target remuneration of all employees was 63.80 in 2024.
Consumer |
tesa |
Total |
61.07 |
67.75 |
63.80 |
Entity-specific information
In accordance with ESRS S1-16, only the “Unadjusted Pay Gap,” which measures the average salary difference between men and women, would be reported. However, this figure is not very meaningful, as it does not take into account factors that can legitimately explain salary differences, such as different job levels, sectors of activity or sites. An unadjusted figure therefore only provides a superficial representation of the salary situation without revealing the actual causes of the differences.
To ensure a more substantiated and transparent analysis, we also calculate the “Adjusted Pay Gap.” This takes into account explanatory factors such as job level and legal entities and shows the residual differences that cannot be explained by standardized and verifiable criteria. The “Adjusted Pay Gap” therefore represents the actual gap and serves as a relevant indicator for possible pay inequalities.
By reporting the “Adjusted Pay Gap” separately, we aim to analyze salary differences in a more transparent manner and focus specifically on actual inequalities. This will enable us to derive and implement suitable actions to promote fairness and equal opportunities.
Due to different databases, the “Adjusted Pay Gap” is analyzed and displayed separately for the Consumer and tesa Business Segments.
For the Consumer Business Segment, we analyzed the salaries of approximately 12,000 of our employees, which represents approximately 70% of the Consumer workforce as of end of the reporting year. The calculation is based on the target salaries for 2024, which were determined after the announcement of the company bonus in April 2024. The adjusted difference in annual target compensation is 0.98% (in favor of men).
For the tesa Business Segment, we analyzed the salaries of approximately 5,000 of our employees, which represents approximately 93% of the tesa workforce as of end of the reporting year. The adjusted difference in annual target compensation is 1.11% (in favor of men). Outliers were not considered in the calculation.
Consumer |
tesa |
0.98 |
1.11 |
1 LGBTIQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, lntergender, Queer, and more.