15. Other Assets and Non-current Assets and Disposal Groups Held for Sale
Other non-current assets comprise investments in associated companies, investments in non-consolidated affiliates, other investments and other assets. Other current financial assets include other receivables, derivative financial instruments and financial receivables. Other current assets mainly comprise other tax receivables and prepaid expenses.
Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale amount to €35 million as of December 31, 2022 (prior year: €0 million).
The development is mainly attributable to the sale of a production site (disposal group of €26 million consisting of fixed assets and raw materials and supplies) in North America and the planned sale of leasehold land (including buildings) of €9 million in Asia for the Consumer Business Segment. The production site was sold on February 1, 2023, and the leasehold land is to be sold during fiscal year 2023.
The measurement of assets and disposal groups held for sale to a fair value less costs to sell below the carrying amount resulted in an expense of €9 million in 2022. The resulting valuation effect is fully attributable to restructuring expenses in connection with supply chain organization measures (Note 7).