Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

24. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

Currency translation adjustment

The currency translation adjustment equity account serves to recognize differences resulting from the translation of the financial statements of affiliates that do not have the euro as their functional currency.

Hedging instruments from cash flow hedges

Changes in the fair value of financial instruments used to hedge future cash flows are reported under this item. As of the reporting date, market values amounting to €18 million (previous year: €–10 million) after deduction of deferred taxes were recognized in other comprehensive income.

Debt and equity instruments

This item includes fair value changes amounting to €–10 million on securities in the “at fair value through other comprehensive income” category after deduction of deferred taxes. It also includes impairment of securities in the “at fair value through other comprehensive income” category.

Changes in the fair value of equity instruments allocated to the “at fair value through other comprehensive income” category under IFRS 9 are also recognized here. Changes in the fair value of equity instruments of €3 million were recognized in other comprehensive income in the fiscal year. Due to the inclusion of S-Biomedic NV in the consolidated group, €4 million of this amount has been reclassified to retained earnings.